New York Clipper (Jun 1923)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER June 27, 1923 BUY MK KELLY To Be Featured and Principal Comedian with E. L. SPIRO'S "MISS VENUS COMPANY on the Mutual Circuit. I am also producing the show. THE THEATRE HOSPITAL The New York Theatrical Hospital As- sodation, 13 East Fortieth street last week ■aiuiounced the preliminary steps the organ- ization had taken toward building a $1,- OOO.IXX) hospital on the West Side for the e:<clusive use of theatrical folk including the spoken drama, vaudeville and motion pictures. At a mct:ting held recently in the Hotel Pennsylvania at which repre- sentatives of every branch of the stage profession in industry were present, the association 'was organized and Dr. McCall Anderson, 55 West Fifty-fifth street was elected Qiairman of the Executive Com- mittee. It IS planned to admit members of the profession to the hospital irrespective of creed or ability to pay, and the final plans for the campaign will be laid before the public in the Fall. A funding plan is being worked ont and options have heen ob- tained on two locations between Thirty- fourth and Flfty-nmth streets on the West Side. The capacity of the eight-story building whose erection is contemplated will be about 100 beds and Beverley Kings, designer of many hosintal buildings, is now draftiDK the i>lans. The following committees are named in Dr. Anderson's announcement: Finance Committee—Chairman, Dr. Mc- Call Anderson; Secretary and Treasurer, Henry H. Bizallion. President of the Gotham National Bank; Henry D. Long, of the E. D. Long Company, 54 Wall street. Site Committee—H. TrowbridRC Harris, Joseph M. Bryant and Charles H. Dodge. Medical Staff—Dr. Joseph A. Blake, Dr. MoCall Anderson, Dr. Evan Evans, Dr. Walter E. Lambert, Dr. Joseph C. Taylor, Dr. William Brown Doherty, Dr. H. Steers Holland. Dr. Charles Gibnore Kerlcy, Dr. Floyd McDaniel, Dr. W. Broaddus Pritch- ard. Dr. Andrew Robinson, Dr. Royal WUtman and Dr. A. J. Waischard. Men's Auxiliary Committee—H. B. Warner, Norman Treyor, Herbert Ames, Stanley Deli, H. Trowbridge, Harry Tay- lor Hohnes, Lennox Pa.wle, Rollo Peters. Lynn Pratt, Frank Richardson. Charles H. D(>dge, Leon Gordon, Bernard Granville, J. "LOVE HE UKE i LOVE YOU" and -THE UFE WHHOUT A MOTHER" SONO HFTS FOB 1B23. hy STEPHEN D. BATZBWICH. Some aoDSi! TbooMDdi of mule loTcra ban tmn waltlnj: for aiicta rongt. Bay tgvm Tonr dealer or wad direct 20c la Htarapn for anj* eonvB above. For prufenKlooal ose reffolar eopleii win tie pent free of chame. -WOBID KiraiC rUBLIBHIHa COBPORATION, HS Wat «Ttli Btrmt, Kaw Toik, V. T. K. Murray, Glenn Hunter and Joseph Bry- ant. Women's Auxiliary Committee: Jane Cowl, Minnie Maddcm Fiskc, Elsie Fer- guson, Ann Pennington, Mary Roberts Rcinhart, Beverly Sit^eavcs, Marion' Davics, Margaret Hcrford, Janet Beecher, Anne Bronaugh, Lorctta M. Bonner, Bar- bara Castleton, Minnie Dupree, Edith Ellis, Laura Giroux, Mabel' Guilford, Elizabeth Hines, Elizabeth Howry, Lillian MacKin- non, Cordelia MacKinnon, Kay Laurell, Helen Lowell, Elizabeth Milne, Albinia Mirtin, Elizabeth Marbury, Beatrice Mor- osco, Phyllis Povah, Katherine Stewart, Olive Tell, Helen Ware, Lucille Watson, Peggy Wood, Margaret Wycherly, May Yokes, M. EUizabcth Young, Doris Kenyon. Margaret Lawrence, Elizabeth Long and Agnes Ayres. MICALS PRODUCING STOCK Sacramento, CaJ., June 23. —Sam Mi- cals, former burlesque comedian, is pro- ducing musical comedy stock at a local theatre. He will be here until the first of August when he expects to return to New York. Micheals came here direct from Qiicago several weeks af^o, where lie had been in stock at the State Congress Theatre. BDCLEY FOR "BEEF TRUST' Billy Watson has engaged Edgar Bixley, tramp comedian, for his "Beef Trust" show for next season. Watson is trans- acting his burlesque business on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week at his new olGces in the Watson Building. - Patterson. N. J. The rest of the week he is at his home in Belmar i>y the Sea, N. J. ••BUBBLE BUBBLE" CAST Those engaged so far for Billy K. Wells "Bubble Bubble" company on the Columbia Grcuit are Miss' Kaplin, Ruth Rosemen as principals. The crew are Otto Kremm, carpenter, Al Hamilton, property man, George Boyce electrician and Frank Gro- gan, a.s5istant electrician. SIDMAN ON AUTO TRIP Dave Sidman, treasurer of the York- ville Theatre will leave New York for a long automobile trip Saturday, He will visit Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and then on his return trip will stop off at Lake Huntington for a few days. He expects to return to New York about the middle of July. E IN r>ir^irvi" CLEVER REVUE AT MONTE CARLO Messrs. William J. Gallagher and John Kennedy inaugurated their tenancy of the Monte Carlo, Broad\vay and Fifty-first street, last Wednesday evening with the presentation of a new and diverting tabloid revue, "The House That Love Built." Ted Riley supplied the lyrics while Frank Gillen contributed the musical score Riley also staged the piece. I'he intense heat of the evening held no peri! for the capacity audience that wel- comed the new show inasmuch as a new cooling system had been installed and suc- ceeded in keeping the dining room at a comfortable tonperature. The cast was headed by Corine Muer, a prima donna of imusual diarm and ex- cellent ^nging voice, and included Hazel Gladstone, Jocelyn De Vellau.f, Martine Bumely, Georges Kiddon, Gordon Bennett, Charles McAvoy, Ina Dell Brooke, Henry Stremcl and a large singing and dancing chorus. Among other things the new revue has the distinction' of being the first floor show to attempt dialogue. _ Gillen has contributed a tuneful score, particularly in the melodies of "In Our Little Two By Four," "Bunga- low of Simshine" and "I Read My Answer in Your Eyes." "VANITIES OF 1923" OPENING Earl Carroll's suimner revue, "Vanities of 1923," will open at the Earl Carroll Theatre Monday night, July 2. Carroll has contributed the book, lyrics and ^ music of the piece. Willie Collier has" directed the comedy scenes, while Sammy Lee has staged the numbers. The cast is headed by Peggy Hopkins Joyce and includes Joe Cook, Jimmy Ehiffy. the Callahan Brothers, Dorothea Neville, Margaret Edwards, Charles Senna, Margaret Davics, Irene Ricarda, Qaire Elgin, Jack Patton, Roy Giusty, J. Frank Leslie, Loretta Marks, Dorothy lOiapp, Gertrude Le Monn, the Alex- anders, Harry Bums, Fred RenofT, Rikona, Sam Hermann, Myrtle Diamond, Lucille Moore, Amy Frank and Al Thomas. Haro' Bums and Joe Marks. In addition to the principals there will be a bMuty ensemble numbering fifti' girls. KITTY MADISON FOR "LET'S CO" Kitty Madison cancelled her contract with Peck and Kolb for next season last week and signed with Fred Clark for his "'s Go" company on the Columbia Cir- cuit. LOUISE GROODY IN PARIS -According to reports circulated along the theatrical district Louise Groody, musi- cal comedy star who was last seen in "Good Morning Dearie," now in Paris, and who Is the wife of \V. Frank McGcc, who re- cently pleaded guilty to operating a bucket shop with his partner E. M. Fuller, has taken with her $1,500,000 which she is said to have received from her husband. Cable reports from Paris state that she made her appearance upon the boulevards of Paris resplendent in diamonds and seemingly unruffled by her husband's plight. When word was received in New York of her arrival in Paris, it became known that endeavors were being made to locate her in America to serve iiapers on her for appearance before Referee Harold P. Coffin to be questioned regarding assets her husband is said to have turned over to her. It is said Referee Coffin had been informed that Mrs. McGee confided td friends that she had $1,500,000, and he has been anxious to examine her to ascertain if there was any truth to the statements. Prior to her marriage to McGee which followed a "golden" courtship Miss Groody was the wife of VVilliam Harrigan, an actor whom she divorced. SHELDON IN BOOKING AGENCY Harry Sheldon, the Chicago agent, has purchased an interest in the Georgia Wolfe Booking Agency. The enterprise will now be known as the Wolfe-Sheldon Agency and in addition to assembling and routing vaudeville acts will also do casting for legitimate productions and pictures. REVUE TEAM BEATEN The Music Box Revue baseball team, which has been touted as one of the best theatrical baseball organizations, were the "tail enders" in a contest with the Ward Island baseball team in a contest last Wednesday when they were beaten by a score of 25 to 5. The team has several other games sched- uled for the coming month against some good teams. See J. F. REILLY 437 W. 31«t St., New York City Pbone Chelsea 29(4 ENTIRE BROADWAY PRODUCTION FOR SALE 132-134 West Forty-Fiftli Street, New York Telepbcne OSIt Bryant Centrally located, one half block from Broadway. Redecorated and refurnished. Unusual home comforts. Under same management. We welcome new and former patrons. A. B. CLARK, Mgr. INTEIINATIONAI. DANCE OIARACTEIUZATIONS A MIIXION AND ONE VARIETIES OF DANCINC. ALL ENTUtELY ORICINAI. M L L E. CLEORA AND BONO I N C E N T OFFERS ENTERTAINED ADDRESS CARE N. V. A. CLUB W. 4Slh STREET. NEW YORK