New York Clipper (Jul 1923)

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July 11, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 21 B. F. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE Wask of July 16, 1923 NEW TORS CITT P>Jac«—Great Zjeon—Fcatoo - A Field*—WUte Slutera—TlDcest L<ipei—^Tbettre atoteuue—Ellu- both Brlce—Bert Busbei & Co. BlvsnUe—Tom Burke—Jim McWUIUmi—Bnt- ler & Parker—Emna CaruB—SbeldoD. BatlroUne & Heft—Fonl & Price. rtfth ATenn* (Plmt Half)-Barrr Puck-Moody & Duncan—MrKoT & Aidlne. (Second Half)— z*Ida Santlej-FVtnklln Cbirles ft Co. , •lat StTMt—CoamopollUn TMo—Bob Albright. BBOOXLTH, H. Y. OrphaniB—Peplta Granadoa—Lam OraiibT ft Co. — Tta I^wla ft Co.—Hanr J. Cooler. ^*aS"l<*—I-UlUn Bbaw—Miller ft Frear^Bnle ft O'BrleD—A! BtT7ker. Ormpalat (Flrat Half)-HUton ft Daler-Bob BaU—Til* Dlanonda. (Second Half)—Brady ft MaboaeT—Moody ft Itancnn—Al Tncker ft Band. FfXpeot .(Pint Half)—Ztlda' Santley-Bnniwiy Foot. (Second BaU)—Geo. I^ona— Wb. Kent ft Co. CMnmUa—Far Bookaway (Second Half)—Seren Arabian KnUhta—Patilcola—Deacon ft Mack- Harry Holmaa ft Co. ATLAJmo OITT, V, J, Xalth'a—Harrard, Winifred ft Bmce—Buna ft iT»n—Waltera ft Walter*—Etbel Barrraor* ft Co.—Craft* ft Haley—Fortnnello ft Clrllllno. BORON, MASS. Kalth'*—Mile. Itj ft Co.—Tbe SUnleyi—O'Nell ft Plankett—Helen Ware ft Co.—Artie MebUnger —Jnllet—Power* ft WaUace—Roatell ft Uarconl. BVTTALO, N. T. 8k*»'»—Hardy Bntheia—Billy SbaW* RcTOfr— Frank and Teddy Sabine—CUodla Coleman—Par- lor, Bedroom and Batb. CXHOINNATI, OBIO Balao*—Al RIpon—AndenoB ft OraTe*—Newbotr ft Pbelp*—Oark & BooU—Artbnr Miller ft Co. OZi£V±XANl>. OHIO lOTtb stiMt—Beegc ft Qnpee—Tean La Crons —Joe Rolley ft Co.—Rnberllle. Hlppodnme—Lowe ft Stella-Rnapp ft Cornelia —Jo Jo Dooley—Elgbt Blue Demon*. DAYTON, OHIO Xelth'i (Flnt Balf)—Sweeney & Walter*— Dorotby Byton'a ReTue. (Second Half)-Lanra ft Billy Dreyet^Toung ft Wbeeler. SETBOIT, MIOK. Temple—Keator & Vincent—Fllaer ft Donetaa— Foar Morton*—Wella, Virginia ft West. ZNSIANAPOXJB, INS. Falaoe (First Balf)—Block ft Dnnlop. (Second Half)—Ben Deycr. LOUISVILLE, KY. National (Pint Half)—Ben Beyer. (Second Halt)-Block ft Dnnlop. MONTREAL, CAN. Imperial (July 16)—Dream*—Ines Ilealey—Ol- aen ft Jobnun—Dabb, Carroll ft Syrell—Walib ft Beptley—Billy Miller ft Co. MT. TEBNON, N. Y. Proctar'a (Flrat Hult)—Rnth Bodd. (Second Halt)—lime Trio—Mollle Fuller ft (^>.—Bob HaU —Badalla ft Natalie. NEWARK, N. J. Prootor'a—Hector—Ona Mnnson ft Co.—Pinto ft Boyle—Flo Lewi* & Co.—Banj Fox. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Kaith'e—Sewell Slater*—Lytcll & Fant—Ring Tangle. PIITBBXrBOS, PA. ' Davli—Barry Enbne—Ned Norworth Trio— Cbarle* WItbcr*—Perrone ft OIlTer. PORTLAND. MAINE Keith**—Monde—Hedegaa ft Beye*—Ulacabna— Vera Cole—Davo Ferguson ft Co.—Raymond ft MacKaje. TOLEDO, OEIO Xalth'a (First Rait)-Laura ft Blllj Dreyer— Young ft Wbeeler. (Second Half)—Sweeney ft Walter*—Dorotby Dyton'a Berne. WABHINOTON, D. C. Ketlh**—Guy ft Pearl Magley—Irving FIsbcr— Oullfoyle ft Lang—Ilarland, Dixon ft Girl*—01- cott ft Mary Ann—nennan ft Sblrley—Frits ft Lucy Bmcb—Homer Romalne. WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Lynn (Second Half)—Redferne Holllnshrail. Y0NKEB8, N. Y. Pmotor'a (First Half)—IJme Trio—Geo. Lyon* —Hank Brown— Al. Tucker ft Rand. (Second Half)—Hilton ft Daley-D. D. B. DARL MacBBYLE ■XOJUSIVE HATEItlAI. OF EVUV OESaUFTION lie WMI «9Ui St.r Naw York "IP rr DNT KICHT I HAKE IT RIGHT VMVmVILLE BILLS For Naxt W«eit ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Wmk of Jal7 16, 1923 CHICAIK), ILL. Palace—Fanny Brlce—Carroll ft Fisher—J. Ro- samond Johnson—Mary Haync*. Btmt* TsVa ATon Comedy Font—DaT* Baitte— Bobert Rellly—Cnrtla' AnUnaU. DEB MOINEB. lA. Orphenm—"Hire* White Kubns—Galettl**' Monk* —Sarah Padden ft Co.—Sylrla (Hark—Snow, Co- Inmbn* ft Boctor. KANSAS OITY, MO. Main Btnet—Olga Cook—Boreo. LOB AN0ELE8, OAL. Oiphanm—Leon ErroU—Br* Sblrley—Frank D«- Voe—Bailey ft Cowan—Alexandria—Trennell IMo —Ir«n* Franklin. HIU Street—Mra. Rodolpb Valentino—Morray ft Gerrtsb—BernerlH Bra*.—Dn Val ft Symond*— Tempest ft Dickinson—Little John*. Mn*WAUJil£lE, WIS. Palae*—Aunt Jemima—Friend In Need—Carlton ft Berlew—Tom Kelly—Edwarda ft Beaslay. KnreEAPOLiB, MDnr. H*nB*pln—Martha Pryor—Mlllenblp ft Oemtd —Harry Bnea—Lopea Red Cap*—Bm. Edmonda —Paol KlrkUnd ft Co. OASiAND, OAL. Orphenm—niend In Need—Ellxabetb Brlce— Lambert ft Fish—Cbong ft Moey—Anderson ft YtoI— Paol Decker ft Co. ST. PAUL. XniH. Palace—Snell ft Vernon—Fox ft Allen—Smith ft Barkei^-Cablll ft Romalne—Milt. Collin*—BlUy Sharp's Berne—O'Connor Twins. BAN XXABCIBCO, OAL. Orpbaom—Ben Bernlc—George LeMalrc—Jack O^termao—Margaret Paduta—Van ft Schenck— Anntol rrledland. Oolden Gate—Marlon Murray—Frederic Fradkln —Emerson ft Baldwin—Wblting ft Bort—McCor- mack ft Wallace—Wllla ft Harold Browne. B. F. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE Week of July 9, 1923 NEW YORK CITY Broadway—Bnra* ft Lynch—Cbas. Keating Co. —Emille Lea Co.—Zelayo— Ijbw Seymour Co. Fordham (Second Half)—Al Shaync—Flo Lewi* —Ke1*o Bro*. BtTue—Shadows. JACK CLIFF THOMAS & HAYMAN ECCENTBIC DANCEB8 Have aiv»d far N*w Yoik Jefferson (Second Half)—Slarie ft Ann Clark— Bednlle ft Natalie—Belli* Duo—Juggleland—King ft Beatty. Regent (Second Half)—Cliff Naxarro ft Band— Rita (^ouM-FoKter ft Peggy—Barrett ft Clayton- Leo ft Bfann. Coliseum (Second Half)—Herbert ft Dare— Howard & Clark—Lynn ft Howland. Fianklln (Second Half)—Stanley Galllnl Co.— Moran ft Mack. Hamilton (Second Half)—Dolly Kay—American Symphonin Orcbesira—Henry B. T^aomeF—BIgelow ft Lee. •Ut Btl«et—Bill Robinson—Gertrude Barnes— Caul SIsten Co.—J. Robert Pauline—Janet ft Harry Shields—Hamilton ft Barne*. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Prospect (Second Balf)—Tnrner, Mcesman ft Vance—Little Driftwood—D. D. B. Oroenpolnt (Second Half)—Hank Brown Co.— Albright ft Barta—Bob ft Tip—MIrinda ft Shuf- fling Band. Henderson's, Coney Island (Second Bait)—Bell ft Gray—Herbe ft Cllttoo—Pinto ft Boyle—Mas. ■art SIsten. ASBURY PARK, N. J. Main Street (Second Half)-Morlan ft Dorna- Johnson ft Walker—Bryant ft Stewart—Oddities of 1923. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Markel ft Gay—Jail ft Dextei^Ona Munson Co. —Williams ft Wllkens—Four Aces. BOSTON, MASS. Boston—Rose ft Dell—naiel Cox—Lyle ft Ereercon—AUman ft Barvey—Cavanaugh ft Cooper. ScoUay Square—Ijiwton—Ward & Boblman— Brama Stephens—Fred Gray ft Co.—Boonlngton ft Scott—Lloyd ft Goode—Florence RIdoIph Co. ACTS ACTS VnVCENT VALENTINI EzcInaivB Sons*—niilog Coiitiiiiiily If* w. «th St. a^tm n Washington St.—John ft .Mabel Dore—Bllton ft Raloy—Courtney, Eeya ft Patterson—Oscar Lor- raine—At ft Emma Frabell. BBOCKXOir. MASS. Btnnd (Second Halt)—Goelet ft Ball—Tana ft Wbalen—Sim bona* ta. CAHBBIDOE, lUSB. Caatnl aqnai* (Second Balf)—Danlaa ft Doyne —Monde—Wild ft Bose—Mardo ft Bome—Canton Trio. OARBONDALE, PA. Inln« (Second Half)—Bob ft Bob Bobby—Ha*- tua Knma-Rosaell ft Marconi—BereD Olaifow Maids. " •»TD« V. T. (Second Halt)—Heynoffa—MeNally ft Aabton— Raymond ft Scbram—Kane** Marionette*. KAZKLTON, PA. PeeUy** (Second Hall)—Cordlnl ft Re«*e—Adam* ft Lillian—Burke. Barton ft Burke—Four Baida. HOLYOKB, MASS. VlntaTT (Second Half)—Mnnldpnl Poor—Ferry Corwey—OoaaUr ft Lnsby. Mt. Park (Second Halt)—SaUy Been—Smith ft Strong—Eleta Oatcia Co. HUB TISOTOV, W. VA. <3co. ft U MItcheU—Ron* ft Edwards—Hughes ft Bntke. UHOASTXa, PA. Clealal (Second Balf)—Leach LaQnInlan Trio— Tclaak ft Dean—Diane ft Rnblnl. LYNN, MASS. . (Second Halt)—O. K. Legal Co.—Barrla ft Holly—Lclgb ft Jones—Carr ft Br*y. MONTREAL, OAK. Imperial—Raymond ft Mackayc—Bedge* ft R«ye*—Jaa. K. Watson—Mlacabna—Dare Fer- guson Co. MOBRTSTOWN, N. J. Bosto Bottet^-Sallee ft Boble*—EUlne ft Mar- shall—John Gelger. NEW BEDFORD, CONN. OlympU (Second Bait)—Peraa ft LaFlor—Wm. Kennedy—P. Prttchatd ft Rock—Powen ft Wal- lace—Cody ft King . NEW BBITAIN, CONN. (Second Balf)—Brown ft Monahan—GUmore ft litster—Art SUnley—Baaso ft Co. NEW LONDON, CONN. (Second Half)—Walter Gilbert—Glenn ft Blch- ards—Moody ft Duncan-Mnmy ft Allan—Plaxa Bro*. . NEWPOBT, B. L Carr ft Brey—Danlse ft Dayne—FWnk Fanon— Cabaret Argentine. NORWICH, CONN. Peggy Brook*—Adroit Bros. OCEAN CITY, N. J, (Second Half)—Pnrman ft Bran*—Stanley ft Burns—Innl* Bros.—^Lady Alice** Pet*. PASSAIO, N. J. Itodcr ft Dean—Inula ft Ryan—Jo* Wright Co. —McKlBSIck ft HaUlday—Marino Four. PATEB80N, S, J. (Second Half)—Al Tncker ft Band—Potman Sla- tera. PITTBBUXOH, PA. Mr. ft Mra. Dare Clark—Matt ft C. Sbelrey- Barrett ft Farnnm—Unla Miller Co.—Jarrow. PiriHFIELD, MASS. (Second Half)—Montana—Doke. DarUng ft West —Cbas. Lawlor—Al Wohlman—Bohemian Life. TRENTON, N. J. Capitol (Second Half)-Morell'a Dog*—Heraey ft Donnelly—Stanley Price Co. —Inglla ft Win- cheater. UTICA. N. Y. Colonial (Second Bllt)—Three Lordona. W^EELDIO, W. VA. (Second B*lf)—Everett'* Monkey Blppodnme— Cbas. Legar—Foxwortb ft Fnncla—Harold Ken- nedy. WILDWOOD, N, 7. (Second Balf)—Hanako Japa—Mellnda ft Dade— Sampacl ft LeonanI—Mel Klee—Marino ft Martin —Herrns ft Wills. ACTS -Brynat *fU ACTS F. F. PROCTOR Week of JoIy 9, 1923 NEW YORK CITY Fifth At*. (Second Half)-Hennlng ft Aken— ricrce ft Ryan—Grace llaya—WUton Slater*—Seed ft .\ustln—Jack LaVler—Glenn Andera Co. SSrd Bt. (Second Balf)—John Dunomorc—Shone ft Squire*—Baker ft Rogera. 5Sth St, (Second Half)—Eoaaner ft Leonard— Alexander ft Elmore—Mnlroy. McNeec* ft Bldge— Arthur ft M. HaTel. lUth Bt. (Second Ilalf)—CosmopollUn Trio— Caster ft Beasley Twin*—Hector ft Pal*. ALBANY, N. Y. rsecond Balf)—IJme Trio—Ine* Banley—Billy Miller Co.—Bobby Itandall—Billy Hughe* ft Co.— When Dangen Smile. MT. VERNON, N. Y, (Second Half)-McCarton ft Mann—Will J. Ward—Rnnaway Four. NEWARK, H. J. Franklin Charles Co.—Lillian Shaw—O'Brien A Josepblne—Caralrol of Venice—Will Horrt*— Hunt ft Volgt—Be*al* Clifford—Greenwood School Children. Thm Caardian of a Good Compiojtton TheSta^ 'For TheBoudoir^ STEINS MAKE UP ^KS^sreiNcosMtncM /A9t HOLDS THE GENTBE or THE STAGE BOKEnOXAST, V. T, (Second BalO—Walah ft Beatley— Foot Loenct Bl*t*t*—^Walten ft Brant—Jo* Brownlac—Ad».. laid* B*U Co. YONXEBS, B. Y. (Second Half)—Bob Ball—La Ftenr ft Pottla— Brady ft Maboney—One* Bdler Co. POU CIRCUIT Wade of July 9. 1B23 BBnwEPOBT. conr. Palao* (B^nnd Balf)—Maianrito ft Alxarsa— Leightner ft Gordon—Part Kdton—Mnmy Klaca Co.—Mile. Iry ft Co. HABTTOBB, OOHN, Okpttol (Second Half)-Bemt ft Partsei—Btbal Tbeodon—little ColUge—Hack ft Je**—Boyal Pnpla Glrlf. ' NEW HAVEN, CONN, Palao* (Second Balf)—Loietta—Gre«n ft Parker —Boynl VenelUn Fire—Bobby ft BUck—Fonr PtaUUp*. TEL. IMS BBYANT E. TTF.MMF.NDm GER. mC JEWELERS U VEST MTB STBBET MKV TORE BOXABTON, PA, Poll'* (Second Bilf)—W*rd ft OUrer—Ocn* Morgan—Cnpld'a Closenp*—Bora* ft Allen—StefH pins Fool*- SPBINSFIEXD, MASS. Palae* (Second Bait)-Tbe Pea ra ooa Will A Gladya Abeam—Doyle ft Christie—Dixie Foer— Allyn Mann Co. WATEBBUBY, CONN. Palaea (Second Half)—Ennlce Keeler—Morrla ft T^wne*—Looking Backward*—Chung Bw* Foor— Glided C*«*. WOBCEBTER, MASS. Peli'* (Second Bait)—Margaret Taylof^Nortta ft Sootb—Artbnr Finn Co.—Moore ft Freed— Wanka. CHICAGO KEITH OFFICE Week of J11I7 16, 1923 OI^fTON, on). SUasd (Sunday and Monday)—Potter ft Gam- ble—Adama ft Tbomaon SUten. (Tnenday and Wednesday)—Olga Kane Co. mnradsiy, FrMay, Saturday)-Bernard ft Scartb—Band. DETBoiT, mmr La Ball* Cardan—Sa<oy ft WUlUm*— D*tI* ft Rich—McCarthy ft Sternard—Fir* Lclands. FINDLAY, OHIO M*J**tlo—M*ck ft Sane. TEBBX KAUTE, JND. libera (Flnt Bait)—Dare Vanfleld—Bersaid ft Scartb-Band. (Second Halt)—Olga Kan* Co, —Five Leland*. (Continutd on pott 26)