New York Clipper (Jul 1923)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER July 11. 1923 MHs^ ALICE CREED MRS LOUISE CLEM HAVE JUST COMPLETED A VERT SUCXXSSFVI. SEASCm AS MOTMER-IN-LAWS OF O I & S rvj and O C3 I—I rsl @ CZ> l>sl iCtmiinued frtm paxt 21) WESTERN VAUDEVILLE Week of J11I7 15, 1923 CHICAGO, nx. Ibjtitle—tcTrre & Collin*—Fiske & Fallon— Dona. DarUsff & BoTv—Clayton & Leonlc—Georf- ■Ua Trio. Oiphsmn (Sntnrdar and Bnnday)—DnticnT & Lajaker Slaten—Kramer & Biven—Baranm?— Itiree Balpha, DEB 1I0IBE8. lA. BiTCtTiav Paik—GUlatle 4: BIta—Frank & Mar CoIUna. FABSO, S. D. Grand (Fint Half)—Duberry & L,a5alier SUtera —Boraaio—Kramer & Br««n—Tbree Balpba. (Sec- ond BaU)—Mrera & Sterling OaABD IBLAim, BOB. Xajaatlo (Slintlaj)—^Ttie GresorTa—George & Jnne. iramiAg CITT, XO. aiobo (Pint HaU)—Sweet & Bill—Falrman & Forman. (Second Half)—Waener & Leta—^Tbreo Pi^ip*" Gjpalee. l^XWA U JUlil, WIB. Kajoatlo—Daslilncton'o Anlmaii—Vlaaer A Co. —Damerel & Vail—Warden A Bart—Six Mnalcal Noaaaa—Artbor Ansel—Tlireo Begala. or. LOUIB. XO. Ofanl—Oh 8an A Bro JImmT (Ulmle) Ihinn— WUaoii AnbreT Tzlo —Bamadells A Dejo—Brown A LaeeDe—OUbert Welta—Gcboea of Scotland— Bxomlnf A Boberta, akTdnmn (Flrat Balf)—Weber A O'Brien—Cool- ter A flnan Mario CoreUa A Co. (Second Half)— Lee Hlttg Cbln—Once ManJore A Co.—Sircet A Bill. SOUTH BEBB, 1J*U. Pabcc (Fliat Half)—Bedford A Uaddes—Kent A Allen. (Second Half)-Marjie Q>ate. BPBVOnELV, MO. SaoMo (Second Half)—Falrman A Fnrman. MARCUS LOEW CIRCUIT Weak af Jolr 16, 1923 ■zw TOBX cm Anarinan (Flnt Half)—DIaa A Power*—Har- rlnstoD Slater*—Dnnler A Merrill—Beneon. IfoUno A Co.—Bnls A O'Brlea^Bott Scbaeffer IbOfBtoa A King. (Seeood Half)—Wblte A Barrr —Bnaaell A Ftorcc—Lew Haxklna—Jlmmj SaTO A da. Oiphana (lirat Half)—Tbra* Wbeeler Boya— Bat^ WaaMnftDii—Hofb Kiinett A Co.—Monte A Lroaa. (Second Half)—Cooper A Lacey—Dave Ttannb7—Helrooe A Brooka—Bann A Malloo— —Coaalar A Beaaley Twina. Fa**""' (Flrat Half)—Cooper A Lacey—Famll A Taylor Mo—Fox A B uiua T reUa A Co. (Sec- ond Halt)—Bianlnoa—WUte A Grcr-Ttioa. P. Jackaoa A Co.—Hairx HInea—Grnaer A Lawlor. OraaliT S«naio (Flint Half)—Syaeo—Patrice A Bnlltran—Lew Hjwkim—Frlmroae, Seamoo A Ox —rraxar A Bnnoj—Klrkwood THo. (Second Half) —Harttnst<m Slstrra— Gta. P. Wllaon—Hocb Bm- matt A Co. —McCrath A Deeda—Itiree Wlieeler B07*. Dalanoar Btroat (Flrat Half)—Le Veanx—Wblte tt Grey—Bnsaell A Pierce—Melrooe A Brooka— Jean Gianeae A Co.—Graaer A Lawlor. (Second Half)—Patrice A BnlllTan—Tbomton A Klnff— Paatar Olrl—Uonte A Ijona—Trella A Co. Bsalamd (Fint Halt)—Biamlooa—Wblte A Barry—Uerrltt A Conctalln—Harrr Blnca— Rom a a Troope. (Second Half)—UlUan Zlegler A Co.— Nortblane A Ward—Connera A Boyna—Al. Baj- moBd—Flaatac* of Sonsland. State (Flnt Hnlf)—Lament Trio—MUla A Kim- ball—Lanr A Sale—Noaette—Bryant A Stewart— Moran A Welaer. (Second Half)—Kananwa Boya —Taeoa A Harrlffan—SUrertone Four—Beneon, MoUno A Co.—Xonette. Aeenaa B (Flrat Balf)—Cbadwlck A Taylor— Foot Tllerona. (Second Balf)—Jack Banley— Dieoa Slatera—Baraea A Kennedy—Three Danolae Statcn. UneolB B«nan (Flrat BalO—Nadje—Geo. P. Wllaon—Taylor. Howard A Them—Jimmy Saro A C*.—SUrertone Foor. (Second Halt)—Synco— Irene Trerette—Prlmroae. Seamon A Co.—Laaar A D4le—i^mont Trio. Vletoxla (Flrat Bait)—Lillian Zlenler A Oi.— Conn A Hart—Flataer A Bertram—Al. Itaymoad— Flaibce of SonfUnd. (Second Bnlt)—MlUa A wiiwhfcii—Bob Feme A Co.—Fmaer F. Bnnce— Moean A Welaer. Pallaadan Park—Tliree PhlUlpa—Kay. Bamlln A Kar. BBOOKLTV, V, T. Falaoe (Flnt Half)—Jack Banley—Nortblane A Ward—Bane* A Kennedy—Three DanoUe 81*- taia. (Second Halt)—Zeld* Bro*.-Cbadwlck A Taylor. Xatnpolitea (Flnt Half)—Kanamwa Boya—. Irene Trerette—Harry Ancer A Co.—Kramer A Boryle. (Second Halt)—Francla A Wilson—Sam K. nann—Bott SchaelTer Trio—Fox A Boms. Oatai (Flnt Halt)—Svaln'e CaU A Bate—Sam BL Mann—ManhaU UontforaetT—Maxon A Morris —Coaalar A Beaaler Twins. (Second Half)— Faynea—Betty Waahlnston—Taylor. Howard A Ttiem—Bryant -A Stewart—FarreU Taylor Trio. Fnlton (First Half)—Fnncla A Wilson—(}orlnne Arbockle—Tboa. P. Jackson A Co.—Mnmford A Stanley—Jim Franda Berne. (Second Balf)— Nadje—Conn A Hart—Marshall Montgomery— Role A O'Brien-Klrkwood Trio. balthcobe, xd. Hlppodroma—Lonls Leo—Frost A Morrison- Mack A Lane. B08TOV, MASS. Orphemn—Moaa A Mnnninc Sister*—Helen Ken- nedy—Lnckey A Harrl*—Hanson A Bnrton SIsten —Nell McKlnley—DIaka'a Mnles. SUZTAIO, H. T. State—IMaz Monkey*—Wyetb A LaBne—Fox A Kelly— Cany, Baanon A Marr—Harry Abnms A Co. LONSOH, CAH. Loew's (Flrat Half)-BajmoDd Pike—Quinn Bro*. A Smith—Bernard A Leooa. (Second Half) —Forls A We^t—DelbriUee A Gremmer—Ethel Davis A Co. XOBTBIIAL, CAK. Xoew*s—Pollyanna—Ford A Goodrich—Jim A Jnck—Star* of Record—Lewie A Bosera—Lieut. Thetlon A Co. HEWABX, H. J. State—Knicbt A Knare—BestboS A Messeneer —Momy A Maddox—Foster A Seamon. OTTAWA. CAB. State—Wyoming Dno—Ubert Carlton—Chick A Tiny Harrej-Mattbewa A Ayna—Bjnn Broa. A Co. PROTTOEHOE, B. L Bmery (First Half)—Jock Gregory A Co.—Flo Ring—Poster Olrl. (Second Hslf)—John Bloody A Bro.—Nick A Glsdys Verge. XOROHTO. CAB. Tonga Street—Monroe A Grant—Conroy A How- aid-West & Wise—Ung A Lons-MaUoa A Mc- Cabe—Mnalc Mania. PANTAGES cntcun* Wa^ of Jnly 16, 1923 - TOBOBTO, OHT., CAB. Fantagea (Six days—open Saturday)—Olga A Nlcbala—Mllo—Krylton Blsten A Mack—Monne A Gtatton—Joale Heather—Paul Plcsa Trio. HAXILXOH, OBT., OAB. Pantacoa (Six day*—open Satoiday)—Shelk'a Farortte. CHIGAOO, n.T„ Gen. Plaano A Co.—Conroy A O'DonneH—Clark i& Story—Bnloff, Elton A Co.—Hampton A Blake ^-Chaa. Aheam. jfsniEAPOuB, xnnr, Tom Gibbons—Olntaro—Barry Coleman—KItner & Beaney—La Petite Berne—Fein A Tennyeon Open Co. WIBBIP EO. KAB. The Cromwells—Herman A Briscoe—Dalton A Cnig—Lea Oelles Trio—Bartoo Rerne. B>K0BTOB, CAB. Passing Parade—Fied Arrlath A Co.—Dctty By- ron—Uttle Toahl—Bnrton Slatera. CALOABT, OAB. (Flnt Half)—Wilfred Dn Bols—Fnncis A Day —Alexander Opera Co.—Dohha. Clark A Dare— Dixieland to Broadway. (Second Half—Travel.) SPOKABE, WASH. Tom MUle—Weber A Elliott—Spectacniar Seven —RInaldo. SEATTLE, WASH. (Flrat Half)—Selblna A Nagel—Renxetta A Gray—Alrko—CUrk A O'Neill—Cansdisn Vet. Band. (Second Balf-Travel.) VABCOUVEB, B. O. Pn:Tost A Goolet—Cornell, Leona A Zippy— Vvette A Co.—Grew A Pate*—Corrallnra AnI- mala. EELLIMOHAK, WASH. Wlnton Bro*.—Jones A Sylvester—Latell A Vokes—Jack Powell Sextette—Foley A Lctuie— Boy A Arthur. TACOMA, WASH. Petrams—Nay Bros.—Casson A Elem—Georgia Minstrels. POBTLASO. OBEOOM Zlska—Ulls A Clark—Night Id Spaln-~Iack Btroose—Jack Hedley Trio. ONE I t>OLLAWl MADISON'S i O BUDttETNOalO My latest and greatest issne; sad that*a going some. Gmitcnta mclade an almoit endless assortment of bright anre-fire monolognes. acts for two mala, and for male and female, parodies, 200 aingle gaga, minstrel first parts with finale, a aketeli for fonr people, a tabloid Carce for nine .characters, etc Send yonr d^lar to I- J. K. HEU. HmI MMunr tt UADiaON'S BUDGET, US T^S Ava- mm, N«* Yosk. TRAVEL AdoDia A Dog—O'Meara & Landls—Poole'a Meloday Malda—Yonth—Downing A O'Bonrke—La France Bros. SAB FBABCISCO, CAL. Lewi* A Brown—Knowle* A Wblte—Barry Downing A CV>.—Marion Claire—Long Tack Sam —Lc* Claddon*. L08 ABOELES, CAL. Leon A Ulul—Pnrcella A Bamsay—Juliet DIka —(Hay (%ncb A Co. —Knnz A White—Three Fal- con*. SAB SIEOO, CAL. McBanna—Connolly A Fnncla—Telephone Tan- gle—Gallerlnl Sister*—Warren A O'Brien—Gno- tler** Toy Shop. LONG BEACH, OAI., Martlnett—Conn A Albert—Klsea A BrUlUnt— Francis Beoault—Geo. Mayo—Dnnce Brolatlona. BALT LABX CITT, VTAH Laurie Derine—Fnnkle A Johnny—Harry Sey- moDr A (^.—(Hinck Han*—Callahan & Bliss— Whitehead A Band. OGDEB, UTAH Castleton A Mack—Cronin A Bart—Specdcra— Walter Weems—Sheiks ot Araby. COLORADO SPBIBOS ABS PDEBLO, OOL. The Whirl ot the Worid. OKAHA, BEB. Allen A Taxi—Princton A Veraon-Ksn Hal- perin—Paaqoall Bros.—Honeymoon Ship—Sid Gold A Bro. KAB8A8 CITT, HO. De Peron Trio—Cronin A Hart—Dommie*—Carl McColloUEh—Bori Trio. MEHSmS, TEBir. peLyona Duo—Burko A Betty—Ned Norton A Co.—Marriage V*. Divorce—Bec*l A Mooro. SETBOIT, XIOB. Bagent—LaDora A Beckman—Rogera, R. A B. • —Gave Man Love—Bert Walton—Mendosaa— nickey Brof. ••iloa—1« Tellas—Jack Doran—Oklahoma Four —uttle Clndenlla—Aille Tranger A Band. HELP FOR FILM STRUCK GIRLS The advance on Hollywood of film struck girls continues in unprecedented numbers, with the result that $120,000 has been raised by Will Hays with the aid of various motion picture producers, for the purpose of multiplying five times the Y. W. C A. accommodations at the movie metropolis, in order to house as many girls as possible. Mrs. Edward M. Townsend, chairman of the business division of the National Board of the Y. W. C A., of which Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is a member, is m immediate charge of the work of pro- viding suitable surroundmgs for the girls that arrive at Hollywood with little more than the ambition to become film stars. Many of the girls that arrive in the California film city, have no professional experience and practically no chance to get into the movies. Nevertheless girls in all parts of the country are said to be quit- ting work, schools, etc., and starting by the hundreds for Hollywood where they ex- pect . to find fame and fortune. Most of these girls do not have their fare home when they arrive at their destination, and subsequently find thetnselves stranded. The Y. W. C. A. is interested in the Hollywood Studio Club, which is some- thing like an employment agency, and also something like a roundhouse, being that it starts many girls back home again. It helps to find an occasional job in the films for the right girl and again places other girls in various positions. At present the Y. W. C. A. at Holly- wood cares for twenty girb at a time at the main branch, but the surplus are sent to_ different boarding houses co-operating with the organization. New accommoda- tions will make it possible to care for 100 or more girls at one time. The girls are usually housed for two weeks so that roughly speaking the Studio Club can care for 18,000 film struck girls a year. Many well-known film stars belong to the Hollywood Studio Qub and keep it up. Some of them arrived there as film smitten girls themselves and were sheltered at the club while trying to break into the movies. Girls writing in to the club to have a room reserved for them, are imme- diately answered and told to remain at home or wherever they are. ETHEL BARRYMORE DIVORCED Ethel Barrymore was last week granted a divorce in Providence from Russell G. Colt, on the grounds of neglect to provide, following a hearing of testimony taken by depositions. Sensational testimony regarding her treatment at the hands of the husband was introduced. In her deposition in which she told of closing her theatrical engage- ments because of the mark of Colt's fists, she said in part:— "1 was in my room one evening after the performance when my husband came up and wc started discussing certain per- sons. I made a particularly unfortunate remark about a certain person. "He was enraged at the remark and struck me on the face with something he held in his hand- He hit me again and again. He beat me terribly. Then he left the room "1 was in such a terrible condition that I had to send for a physician. The phy- sician attempted to fix my face but ' I could not get out of my room for five days because of the swollen condition of my, face and -bruised condition of my two black eyes, and' I was confined to my bed part of the time." The theatre ia which she was playing had to close its doors during those five days, she said. The beatings started just six months after her marriage. Miss Barrymore said. The first assault, she said, caused her to do up her eyes in raw beef and remain in her room. She received it, she said, when she asked Colt one evening why be arrived home late. At another time, she said, her husband threw her out of their room in a hotel and left her in the hallway clad only in her nightgowni She testified: "I had to get another room in which to pass the night. I had nothing with me but the nightgown I was wearing, and he had locked the door." Anna Patterson, a maid, testified that she found Miss Barrymore with her face bleeding and her eyes discolored after a visit from Colt. The Colts were separated and re-united many times, and nearly every reconcilia- tion ended with black eyes for the actress, it was testified. Since 1918 there have been rumors of threatened action for di- vorce by Miss Barrymore. John Drew and Mrs. Lionel Bariymore were among the witnesses for Miss Bariymore. The court decision gives the custody of the three children to the actress, but the interlocutory decree probably will fix a time at which the father may have them. The Colts were married in 1909. "RECKLESS REGGIE" FOR GLOBE London, July 9.—"Reckless Reggie," a play by Eric Hudson will be produced at the Globe Theatre on July 18. John Deverell will play the title role and among the supporting cast will be Austin Melford and Eric Lewis. ETHEL IRVING ILL London, July 9.—Ethel Irving, the ac- tress who scored here in Bricux's "Dam- aged Goods," is confined to her town home seriously ill. MAY DO "CROMWELL" IN U. S. London, July 9.—Henry Ainely has Aieen made an offer to do "Oliver Cromwell" in America. He is seriously considering it. fCilTYOUKllF , IKECEf CffiEUt.^ AND MAKE flfi YOURSELF AT HOME t'-; JAMES WHITE TO DO "TOW London, July 9.—James White will shortly present a musical comedy "Tony" for which he has engaged Jack Buchanan to play a principal role. -