New York Clipper (Jul 1923)

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July 11, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 31 E. F. ALBEE J. J. MURDOCK F. F. PROCTOR Preaidant Ganeral Mmnacer Vic*-Pra«idant B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Palmce ThMln BnildiBf, New York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS ArtiiU Can Book Direct by Addraeiinc W. D>7tan Wecefkrth PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSDRTUENT IN THE WORLD. BOoki for home amtuement. Negro plays. Paper, Sceoerr, Mrs. Julej'm Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free I SAMUEL FRENCH, a W. »tfa St.. W«w V<»fc Insure Your Material A^^ainst Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON will be numbered and attadied and a certificate will be retnraed to TOO ai an acknowledgment and for future reference. The contribotion ihould be ligncd plainlj by the peraon or firm acnding- the umc, and should be endorsed br the stasQ msniger of the snow or of the house where the act is being used* or other witneasea. ^rthcr acknowledgment will be made bj the name* and numbcn being pvblished. Address yonr oontribation to The Registry Bureau NEW YORK riJI1>ER. let Bitadwar. New Yo>fc Dmta NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Encloaad find copy of entitled for ReflfiitratioiL. Name. Addreaa. CERTIFICATES ISSUED 1603— Ray Hibbeler—Pandiei 1604— Jack Banok—Title 1605— Louis Katzman—Adaptation for Orchestra 1606— Wm. Bourke—Song 1607— John Rieen—Son^ 1606—B. Gillett—Material 1609—Johnson & Ricca—Song Titles 1610— Jolin J. McCarthy—Lyric 1611— Mrs. £arl Johnston—Song 1612— Tack Broderick—Sonas 1613— R. H. Brenncn & Everett J. Evans- Song 1614— A. Francis CDonncll—Lyric 1615— P. T. Sclbii—Title of Illusion 1750— B. Morrow^Vaudeville Act 1751— Klein Brother^—Animal Imitations 1752— Joseph H. Vacant!—Name 1753— Red Willonghbr—Title 1754— Rasacll K. Hal—Parody 1755— Dave Brown—Act 1756— L W. Pickford—Lyrics 1757— Princess Fawn Eyes—Act 1758—J. J. Powell—Song 17B9—John J. Schneider—Sonir 1760— Selia Johnston—Song Title 1761— Maxwell Holden—Soenic Effects, etc 1762— Edith Barton—Title 1763— John R. T.ayden—Business 1764— Dorothy ElUs—Title of Sketch. 1765— Brenncn & Evans—Songs 1766— A. Francis O'Donnell—Lyrics 1767— Wm. Bourke—Song 1768— Harry Holman—Act 1769— Herbert Gahn—Song 1770—Johnny Ricca—Song Title CENTRAL WARDROBE 45 .00 E^nl to may ISO.N Tiuk Cralnl Tnak FicUty snioiisftco. 7M AtA St. PUla. MONEY WRITING SONGS A mmic coasnoaer and wiilaa a book expUbJng hew to maka —Maaa. Cmteatsi C u i i a cti ng Yoar Faidtn. WMUng a Melody, DInetliia tha Am- bitloaa Yo«Big Conpooar, Fladng toot Sooga Befcta Ilia Public Uata ovv SM Muale Daal- ai»—ai Band and Orcbaitim Laadera. Yon DMd «Ua beak eolr ooa Ita Idad am tba maHmL Otiw tLM Paalpald. Maiay back If you aar aa. UNION MUSIC OCMAPANY, SIS EMt Rh St, dacfamatJ, OUo. Every Manager and Agent SHOULD OWN a caiiy id THE JULIUS CAHN-CUS HILL GUIDE containing AH the Essential Facts of the Show Bnsiness. mtb Edition, Price V.Oa net—19Z1 21st Edition Supplement, Price $1.50 net —1922. $4.50 Complete JUUUS CAHN—GUS HILL GUIDE Ream SI. 7*1 Ttli Ava, Nev Yerii Qty LUCILLE SAVOY ToUetricM of Quality Meil Ordan m. Spooalty. Aater Theatoa Bids., V. T. O. T«L Bryant BO Fer SaJm at VyheUiatttelht Profttticn, Also at KAJUiOWX ft LUTIUl&'B Z>ng Btaia, «ath Bt. and Broadway, V. T. LET US PROVE^^^^ '"^ nctn IT IS BEST 113 Wert Mlh SL, New York WIGS Baal Huinaa Hair Importad man, Olowa, fl.tft eaofi. Irish, Oomedlan. Jav, Dnt^ .A _ .7 ■ ^ — Negro, 80c., eoc., $1.00. Lady wig, (2.S0. TTghta, |1.20l Hair >f natacha or Ooatee. 2Se. Orapa Bair, p. yard. ZSe. aiLKOLINB Tlihta or Shlrta, tzS •aeh. yake Dlamoad Ring or Pin, 2ac. Gold BUtMe Bar- rlBg pp. BOc Paper Hati. SOe. doien. Oaulec fi^ em KLSPZST, M Ooepar ■«., Vaw Totk. STAGE SHOES Entire companies and indi- viduals capably served in a courteoiu manner. AD ModeBai Sapenistd by L Milki I. MILLER & SONS InearpOTOtrd New York 1554 Broadway at 46tli St. Chicago State and Monroe Streets Larttit Uamufaclurtrj of Tkmlrieal Foot- war and Ballet Slipptrt im Iht WoHi. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANIMALS Henry Bartels, 72 Cortlandt St, New York. Louis Ruhe, 351 Bowery, New York. Wra. Barteli Co., 44 Corttandt St., New York City. BAZAAR a EXPOSITION SUPPLIES Bloch Premiam Salei Corporation, a West 2&id St., New York Cty. LAWYERS F. I. Boyd, 17 No. La Salle St, OiicagOw SCENERY Kahn & Bouwman Scenic Studio 155 W. 2»th Sl, N. Y. aty. Chelsea 8956. SCENERY FOR RENT Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St, Philadel- phia. Pa. TENTS J. C Gosa Coi, 10 Atwater St, Detroit, Uidi. Send for Second-hand list. SCENERY DIaBmd Dyi^ Oa er Walar rrdiaa OTfF.IJ. SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. O. Ninety pcroeot of the theatrical piofeasia tiae TAYLOR TRUNKS Write for oar tfmtrieal cataloffae. TAYLOR. TKUNK WORKSh 678 N. Halsted St.. Ghicago B4L Sold by tfaa FoOowkg rsalani WATCH THIS.LIST GKOW NEW YORK CITY. William Bal Company, 219 Weat a9th St Edward Gnpiier, Inc., 1390 Broadway. dXBANY. N. Y. Weeks Trunk Company. 511 Broadway. BOSTCH4, MASS. The Piccadilly Shops 80 Boylstoa St. BUFFALO, N. Y. Moian Brothers. 387 Waahingtoa St. CLEVELAND. OHIO Ohio Horse Gooda Co., 1744 East 12lh St. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Grand Rapids Tmnk Cos, 8V HrUm St., Sonth. rOTISVILLE, PENNA. U. R. Knapp, 2Qe Soath Centre St SYRACUSE. N. Y. Syracuse Trank Works, 444 Soalh Salina Street. TOLEDO. O. The wilmiDgtOD Co.. ZSS Surasit Atc. TROY, N. Y. W. U. Frear & Company WILKES BARRE. PENNA Breeae « Yeager, 9 Haln SirM WOttOESTER. MASS. The Baggage Shop, S73 Main Street. Made and CuaiKlW by WnXIAM BAL COMPANY^ NEWARK NEW JERSEY In AO S^ias and Qoditlas THEATRICAL JEWELRY AND SPANGLES. TIGHTS. OPERA HOSE AND STOCKINGS. FANCY BRO- CADES, GOLD and SILVER TRIM. MINGS, and all Geoda TheatrleaL Hlgli Crada QaDUsa at Lowaat Pilaa SAMPLES UPON REQUEST J. J. WYlfJSJROS, IBC SIEGMAN a WEIL 18 A 20 E. 27lli Sl New York Subscribe for the New Yorii Clipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeville Dates Ahead RATES $5.00 per year $2.50 for Six Months Send orders to CLIPPER CORPORATION, 1658 Broadway, New York Printed by Tmz Tbchbicai. Paani Nsw Yo«K