Close Up (Jul-Nov 1927)

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CLOSE UP that, they did that with Greta Garbo, that stare on the stairs, getting the quahty of her e^'es all wrong, getting it all wTong, they would go and do that, one sees their process of argument, one sees they think they are improving their show with this sort of thing, one sees they think these vaudeville shows better than movies, the superior thing, what a clumsy idea, they would go and do something like that. I camie to see a movie, I was beginning to settle in, I was beginning to get at something, I was beginning to see things. They will go and spoil it all, now this is too much, this is where the hell are my matches, is that fat woman gcing to sit beside me ? Well that is better, she might have sat beside me, and she has already dropped her handkerchief, w^ell let her drop her handkerchief, I don't mind people dropping their handkerchiefs in movie shows, there I have dropped my cigarette case. Xo one would do all this so differently, one would I know, I know, that long corridor, I want to think that out today, I want to get that long corridor, not that thing with arches, something simple, not bare, simple. Oh well, it's restful sitting here, I am blurring in, yes all that colour, that hghting, people come here to be happy, there is a feeling of freeness here, one relinquishes. One does sink in, fade in, I was forgetting the people behind me, they are watching the vaudeville, the hoy and the girl who were busy being in love are watching the vaudeville, I used to think the man with the organ sat 3± the side somewhere out of sight, I w^onder hov/ he does those drum notes, there's something so much more right and intelh 57