Close Up (Jul-Nov 1927)

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CLOSE UP ica do cut their own films. The others don't. The principle is unparalleled, but only about twice as preposterous as leaving the compositor to decide what parts of your book he will and will not print. This being the rule in America (and I have too an article for you next month on how American pictures are made) there is nothing to be said. The director has nothing to do but direct. Naturally he won't want to fight for more work. With us in Europe it is difl^erent. The only real creative work in film making, namely cutting (and incidentally the most exhausting) is done in America by a paid staff. If the director has aimed at subtle effects (he hasn't, but let us suppose) nobody in the cutting room is hkely to know it. I want you to read the articles on Pabst this month which will show you how cutting should be done, and indeed how films must be made if they are to be anything but "ordinary programme features". When Pabst emerged finally from the cutting room he brought with him a perfect work of art with Joyless^ Street and now with Die Liehe Der Jeanne Ney. Each was individual, complete ; each was Pabst. There remained and now remains for the censors and their confederates war dances, tomahawks, and all the unpunishable offences. Kenneth Macpherson. i6