Close Up (Jul-Nov 1927)

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CLOSE UP THE FILM ''STORY" One can only judge by one's own experience. I\Iy own experienced is limited. I have not spent every evening of the last twenty years in film-theatres. But so far as my hmited experience enables me to judge, I consider that America has no artistic importance whatever in the world of the cinema. Technically, in the matter of camera-craft, it has had importance. Commercially it has had, and still has, great importance. The financial methods, the absurd extravagance, the indifference to economic principles which have characterised film-exploitation in America would have ruined any industry with less rich opportunities and less vast fields of activity than the films. One hears rumours of the perilous position of some of the big companies. The marvel is that they have not all gone bankrupt. As regards the artistic future of the film it would not matter— provided that Chaphn were saved — if all HoUpvood were swallowed up in an earthquake. The loss of Ufe would be terrible and deplorable : the domestic tragedies would be agonizing ; tens of millions of simple souls would sincerely mourn in five continents ; but the artistic future of the film world would not suffer in the shghtest degree. I have never — Chaphn's work apart — seen a good American film. 27