Close Up (Jul-Nov 1927)

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CLOSE UP beyond Greta Garbo, the other types were so perfect. The young selfish man, loosed of restraint because battle had wiped away the reward of thrift or decency, the little South American miUionaire causing misery yet with such kindly instincts beneath his thoughtlessness and vulgarity, the completely amoral "toughness" of the woman who kept the house, and more than any of them the girl who murdered for her lover with the whole history of an oppression (race, person or idea) in her eyes, as she seemed to go slowly mad with realization of horror yet never to lose consciousness, and against this the scholarly old man quite unable to cope with modern hfe, all these were to the last gesture, right. Yet I read a short time ago in an American paper that Joyless Street was distorted and untrue. And that will be I fear, the immediate criticism of Pabst's pictures. Because average people, average critics, dare not face the truth in his films. (Just as at the showing of the EngUsh official war film, "The Battle of Arras" the comment across the cinema was, "they ought not to show the corpses and the wounded !" People love cheering the men trickhng fon,vard against shells but they obliterate without sense of wrong doing what waste and suffering a battle must entail.) For myself I could only say after seeing Die Liehe der Jeanne Ney in the Xeubabelsburg projection room, "it is too true." For actual threads of thought appear in front of one, actual hfe, actual pain, actual moments of beauty, passed through a mind that is as the machine that records heart beats or the sensations of a leaf. So Joyless Street recorded the whirlpool of destruction that 59