Close Up (Jul-Nov 1927)

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CLOSE UP sion waiting for a beau to ask her to dance, and immediately revealed again that buoyant and witty charm so exclusively her own, the fact that everybody was delighted became evident through immediate gurgles of affection from every part of the house. Wilhelm Dieterle gave support. Now and again one waited for his morose unhappiness to lift in vain. A little contrast in mood would have deepened the effect of his brooding. Much of the suffering was unnecessary. COMMENT AND REVIEW An interesting experiment is to be made in Germany this winter when ten directors will choose a certain scene, direct it in their own way, and then contrast the differences of method. A second experiment will be the cutting of one particular scene by the same ten directors, again each in his own way. It would be highty fascinating to see the results of these experiments, and would afford a valuable work of reference to the young director, and indeed to all interested in the technical side of the screen. Kyser is making a film at the Neubabelsberg studios financed by and for the Lutheran church. We wandered in on a 76