Close Up (Jan-Jun 1928)

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CLOSE UP desired because the Capitol refused to pay £ 2000 for having it for three weeks) but the criticisms caused a number of people not ordinarily interested in films to visit this one. I know this. For there is a sincere wish on the part of the public to have a British cinema, and this word "masterpiece", which has been so enthusiastically given ot The Ring, is an instance of the wish being father to the quite honest hope, also, of the press. We Want good British films. If being British means anything, it means something that can best be expressed on the screen by British films. Certain characteristics foreigners (excuse the word) cannot hope to interpret, even though they may realise them. There is the British outlook and, whatever it thinks of it, the public prefers it to be British-made than American-mimicked. It believed that The Things That Have Made us — well, What We Are might to a certain extent give the films something they have hitherto lacked. Restraint, for instance, reason, taste possibly and tradition. It believed we should not do better what Hollywood does, but what it fails to do. So, a larger and more trusting public than usual saw The Ring. And what did it see ? A story in which a Chit of a Girl forsook her husband and her lover according as each won or lost. This was what wTe had, to tell the world. Here was the British outlook, the fresh viewpoint. But The Ring wras a 44 masterpiece", so it could not rely on its story. The direction must be very good. Let us wTatch it. What has Mr Hitchcock done ? Well, he has opened with shots of roundabouts and swings. Swings with the camera 33