Close Up (Jan-Jun 1928)

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CLOSE UP d'apprecier r effort des cineastes de la grande Russie, car ce sont eux, n'en doutons pas, qui rajeuniront et vivifieront le film en apportant au cinema leur ardeur et Wr energie r ouvelle. Freddy Ckevalley. THE SPY The Great War once it was over, gave place to complete chaos not only in the government of nations but in the mentality of men themselves. And there was one who profited from this breakdown of principles and ideas. But no one knew who it was. No one knew where he assembled his accomplices to send them off to accomplish their twosided missions. But no one could doubt that such a man existed and the crimes committed in his name multiplied day after day. Thefts, exactions, betrayals of all kinds, including a necessary murder, these were the terrible programme of his universal politics. But nobody would suspect that the director of this witches sabbath was any other than a man of innoffensive appearance, the director of the Haghy Bank, whose monumental forehead constituted for him an immovable mask. This man had secret relations with a Centre of espionage which possessed an information bureau in every 65