Close-Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP from facts and glorifying the bizarre, the stunted, the absurd — ^that, in short, it would have the precious sterility of every clique or group taking an ''ism" for its torch. It did not take long to prove that Close Up found "isms" as old-fashioned, dull and pompous as any progressive body must do ; that far from being caught in the just post-war flood of conventional freakishness, whose final aim was still destruction, it was suggesting that they were as responsible for the contempt of the trade toward so called '"artistic" films as were custard pie and whitewash slinging farces for the superstition that films were for the guttersnipe. In a v/ord, Close Up was determined to be quite liberal, and to be a sort of battleground. It scorned dogmatism and the tiresome proselytising of the ''fashions-in-ideas" groups, •'This season the waist-line of thought will be slightly raised, and skirts a soupcon shorter" was the kind of thing at which it might have levitated any amount of justifiable wrath. Xot that it would have been necessary, since the proof of such and all puddings is in the eating, if one may make bold enough to be so verbally dashing, yet here we were being accused of just that very thing we most certainly had no illusions about. This stopped pretty soon, since it became evident that we were level headed and broad minded. Then people began to be friendly. Then they sent in ideas, and suggestions, which, whenever possible, we acted upon. It was and is desired to make Close Up a really useful organ to all who believe in the film, w^hether the}^ are spectators only, or v/or 7