Close-Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP now it is somewhat greenish valley-hhes) are in no need of such brutality. No one of us, not one of iis is in need of this stressing and stressing, this poignant draining of hearts, this clarion call to pity. A sort of bugle note rises and with it our own defiance. I am asked to join an army of incorruptibies to which long and long since, I and the baker's boy and the tennis champion in the striped red sash have given our allegiance. This great Dane Carl Dreyer takes too damn much for granted. Do I have to be cut into slices by this inevitable pa.n-movement of the cam.era, these suave hues to left, up, to the right, back, all rythmical with the remorseless rhythm of a scimitar ? Isn't this incomparable Dane Dreyer a very ];lue-beard, a Turk of an ogre for remorseless cruelty ? Do v/e have to have the last twenty four hours' agonj^ of Jeanne stressed and stressed and stressed, in just this wa\s not only by the camera but by every conceivable m^ethod of dramatic and scenic technique ? Bare walls, the four scenes of the trial, the torture :^oom., the cell a.nd the outdoors about the pyre, are all calculated to drive in the pitiable truth like the very nails on the spread hands of the Christ. Do we need the Christ-nails driven in and pulled out and driven in and drawn out, v/hile Jeanne already numb and dead, gazes dead ana numb at accuser and fumbles in her dazed hypnotized manner towards som.e solution of her claustraphobia ? I am shut in here, I want to get out. I want to get out. And instead of seeing in our minds the very ambrosial fields toward which that stricken soul is treading, foot by foot like the very/ agony toward skull-hill, we are left pinned hke some senseless animal, impaled as she is impaled by 19