Close-Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP agony. This is not not good enough. There is some shir on the whole of human consciousness, it is necessary to stress and stress and stress the brute side of mystic agony this way. Somehow, something is wrong here. An incomparable art, an incomparable artist, an actress for whom any but praise were blasphemy. . .and what happens ? I do not mind crying (though I do mind crying) when I see a puppy kicked into a corner but I do mind standing aside and watching and watching and watching and being able to do nothing. That is something of the antagonism I think that crept in, that is something of the something that made me feel I ought to go again, to be fair, to be sure what it was that upset me, perhaps cowardice on my own part, some deep sub-conscious strata or layer of phobia that I myself, so unJeanne-like, was unwilling to face openly. I said to myself next morning I will get this right, I am numb and raw, I myse]f watched Jeanne d'Arc being burnt alive at Rouen last night. . .and I myself must go again. . .ah, that is just it. We do not go and see a thing that is real, that is real beyond reahsm, Again. I said I will go again but I did not got again. I did not and I don't think I failed any inner "light", any focus of consciousness in so ceding to my own new lapse. I can not watch this thing impartially and it is the first film of the many that I have consistent^ followed that I have drawn away from. This is perhaps the last and greatest tribute to the sheer artistry and the devilish cunning of the method and the technique of Carl Dreyer. T pay him my greatest compliment. His is one film among all film>, to be judged differently, to be approach 20