Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP decheance precoce et au suicide de I'art muet. Ce n'est pas la pourtant le but entrevu par ceux qui ont precede aux essais dont nous venous de parler. Jean Lenauer. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE XII THE CINEMA IX ARCADY Hedge-toppsd banks form a breezeless corridor upon whose floor, white with dust, the sun beats down. Dust films the edges and mo3t of the flowering things that brought forgetfulness of the hidden distances have fled. We trudged averted from beauty dsfaced, hearing bird-song in the unspoiled Madges of fresh invisible fields and watching for the bend of the long lane and the reward : shelter or high trees that there begia their descending march and, for our shaded eyes, the view of the little grey harbour town at our feet screened by misty tree-tops of spring, the wide estuary beyond it, sapphire backed by golden sand-dunes, miniatures of the tors standing in distant amber light along the horizon. The bend came and th3 twin poplars thit frame the prospect for which our wait 52