Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP enhance the daily life. They no longer for one reason and another, amongst which the cinema is indisputably the foremost, it to their local lives as closely as of yore. Evidence of this change is to be found even in their bearing. The "yokel" is less of a lout than he was wont to be and the dairj^Tnaid even on workdays is indistinguishable from her urban counterpart. And though doubtless something is lost and the lyric poet is shedding many an unavailing tear, much undeniably is gained. These youths and maidens in becoming world citizens, in getting into communication with the unknown, become alsa recruits available, as their earth and-cottage-bound forbears never could have been for the world-wide conversations now increasingly upon us in which the cinema may play, amongst its numerous other roles, so powerful a part. Dorothy M. Richardson. NOTES Le Cinema gobe-mouches cree les heros a forfait et punit inlassablement les mechants. Entre ces deux categories il n'y a place pour personne. . . pas meme pour les neutres que nous sommes tons. ★ 57