Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP HOLLYWOOD NOTES HoUwood now has its little film theatre — Filmarte. Like the Cameo, of NewYork, and the Studio des Ursulines, of Paris, Filmarte is dedicated to the showing of the exceptional, the artistic, the experimental in celluloid production, as well as the reviving of films of yesteryear. The reception accorded its initial program augurs well for its success. The Swedish film, The Golden Clon'n, with Gosta Ekman, was its chief feature ; while Robert Florey's futuristic fantasy, The Love of Zero, notable alike for its economj^ in cost of production and its bizarre treatment, provided the special Holh^vood novelty. : The promoter and presiding genius of Filmarte is a young woman, Miss Regge Doran, who brings to her position as director of the theatre an extensive managerial experience, in addition to livety enthusiasm and enterprise. Filmarte is Holh^vood's third attempt to establish an atheneum of this character. Whether the previous attempts failed =because of a then unappreciative provincialism or because of ultra-sophistication in matters cinematic, is a question difficult to determine. At all events, the present venture has got off to a good start and its future appears assured. ★ The various producing companies have completed their schedules for the coming twelve months, and the resulting fi 74