Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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VOLKS I FILM-VERBAND (Volksveiband fur Filmkunstj E. V. For only 50 Pfennig all may join the membership of the Volks-Film-Verband (Peoples' Film Association). Entrance Fee: 50 pf. Monthly subscription 50pfg. Board of Directors: Heinrich Mann, Katlie Kollwitz, Prof. Alfons Goldschmid, Erwin Piscator, Leonliardt Frank, Dr. Max Deri, Dr. Franz Hollering, Rudolf Schwarzkopf. , Artistic Committee : Bela Baiazs, Arthur Holitscher, Karl Freund, Edmund Meisel, G. W. Pabst, Leo Lanis, Ernst Angel, Andor Kraszna-Kraus, Franze DyckSchnitzer, Viktor Blum, I. A. Hiibler-Kahla. Join tlie Vollfs-Film-Verband. All information and prospectuses from the offices of the Association, Berlin SW. 48, Friedrichstrasse 235, or from any of the branch offices. cut nere — write clearly NOTICE OF MEMBERSHIP To the Volksverband fur Filmkunst, Berlin SW. 48, Friedrichstrasse 235. I herewith declare my entrance into the Volksverband fiir Filmkunst E. V. Enclosed is my entrance fee of 50 Pfg, and the monthly fee of not more than 50 Pfg for .... months making a total of. . . . Marks, for which postal order (cheque or stamps) is enclosed. Orders and cheques pavable to the Workers ' Bank at S 14, Walistrasse 65, for a/c, N° 6210 (Volks-Film-Verband). Name Occupation Adress All filmgoers who are tired of the reactionary tendencies, artistically, socially and politically of the bad German films belong with us. Against the mass of capital invested in reactionary films we must set the strength and enthusiasm of our energetic organisation. WliattlieVoli(s-FilmVetliand lias to offer; 1. Free admittance to at least ten good films per year. If the costs of the Association are in excess of this, the member has only the difference to pay. 2. Reports and estimates to promote understanding of the problems of the film. 3. The illustrated monthly film Magazine, Film und Volk at the reduced price of 20 Pfg. (instead of 40 Pfg.).