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SENSATIONAL BOOKS AIMATOiVIY OF MOTION PICTURE ART By Eric Elliott, Price 6 shillings. "A sound piece of reasoning fully informed, coolly measured, and based upon a knowledge of aesthetics that extends considerably farther than that of the ordinary critic of the screen." yianchester Guardian. ''One would wilhngly pay a guinea for Anatomy of Motion Picture Art. ^Ir. Elliott avoids any of the emotional rhetoric which mediocrit}' seems to bring to a consideration of the movies Nearly everything he says makes one pause to think." TJie Londo7i Mercury. Anatomy of Motion Picture Art should be read by all cinema-goers. It is a true contribution toward the artistic progress of the film. CIVILIANS By Bryher. Price 7 shiUings and 6 pence. i^emg an indictment of war and the people who make it, the preface gives food for thought :''The characters and incidents in this book are not fictitious." ''She is earnest to record, not to create. . .it switches swiftly and hiformingh' from one incident or episode to another." Manchester Guardian, GAUNT ISLAND By Kenneth Macpherson. Price 7 shillings and 6 pence. Only a few copies of this book remain. Ovdev Form Please supply the following book (s) : Name (Mr. Miss Mrs) Adress , ... . is enclosed.