Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP Our age is an optical age. The rapidity of events and their brief duration require a receiving apparatus which can register as speedily as possible. It is the Eye. The speed of light waves exceeds that of all other waves. The Film is the optical flying-machine of our era. I will repeat what I published as earlv as 1922 : The elementar}' difference between Cinema and Theatre consists in the fact that the Film is a play on a surface — the Theater a plav in space. This difference has not been realized concretely either in the Theater architecture nor in the Cinema architecture up to the present day. I estabhshed an ideal project for the Theatre in The Endless Theatre," in Paris, 1925. In contrast to it, I have now also adapted the Ideal Cinema to the American BuildingLaws, in New York, 192G. While the ideal Theatre is dedicated to the Spoken Word, the ideal Cinema is " The House of Silence " The Wordless House or rather " The House of SoundingVibrations ". The Theatre must give up the present " Peepshow form which will pass over, in a purified state, to the Cinema as the ideal picture-theatre. This new form, of the Cinema will give the most artistic and economical possibilities, much more than in any Cinema of to-dav. The constructivistic experiments in decoration of the Russians (Tairoft', ^^IcA^erhold and others), the futuristic attempts of tlie Italians, and the expressionistic work of the Germans (Jessner, Poelzig and others) have achieved no