Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP And it is these people, going in by chance to some such film, say, as The Peasant Women of Riazani, who emerge the greatest converts to the necessity of Film Art. They have been entertained. Their minds, bodies, souls, spirits, have responded, have been lifted on wings, re-fired, inspired. Nothing has ever done that thing to them before, and having experienced it once, they must have it again. Respite, instead of being lethargy, becomes renewal of faith. They go, not back to drudgery, back to problems gnawn to bits and worries worn shapeless, but with inspiration, strength and gratitude. They have literally received life. Their minds have been lifted beyond what now they will be apt to call petty care. The ordinary cinema sends them home with no message and no construction. Life goes on from where it left off. They have been dulled, but no effect lingers. They go from the great films with triumph and vision. They have been entertained. Entertainment becomes life. People may not want to think, people won't think, but they will be entertained. And the way to do it is to go the same way about it as you would if you were determined to make them think. They won't think, but they cannot help themselves. Thought and entertainment are one. Kenneth ]\Iacpherson. 9