Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP Prussian Parliament noteworthy sittings were held. In the decorated apartments of the Zoo and the KroU Opera-house — Berlin's leading centres for large social gatherings — representative gala evenings were held. There were motor and steam-boat excursions to all the principal places of interest in and near the capital. Half a day was spent in the Ufa studios at Neu-Babelsburg. Proceedings terminated with a festival in Luna Park. In the midst of such festivities, so much organisation, so many applauded speeches, it was not easy to remain unmoved. Enthusiasm is infectious. When between whiles one heard a few reasonable words, one was apt to imagine that reasonable activities were actually afoot. But from the summoning of a Congress to its results is a long step. Between its decisions and their operation lies a wide highway that is sometimes also an endless one. You have perhaps heard what has become of the resolutions passed by the Paris Congress in 1926 ? Amongst these were some quite useful suggestions, requiring only to be carried into effect. By the national unions, perhaps, or by individual governments, in any case by the then existing associations. In 1926 nothing was done. In 1928, we are assured, it is to be otherwise. And in order that an executive body should be available the International Federation of Cinema-owners was brought into being. So we have yet another association. Its founding was contrived without undue complications. With the help of the previously prepared French scheme, provisional statutes were formulated. The presidency and bureau-work were given over to the Imperial Union of German 16