Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP are aware of the immense possibilities of influencing the masses by means of the film and of the responsibilities hereby resting upon themselves, and have passed this resolution in the interest of the furtherance of international good understanding/' Here, also, we have a beautiful sermon. Upon years of grim deeds there inevitably follows a reaction in the form of fine words. At every turn one meets wellmeaning speech ; at diplomatic gatherings, in open tribunals, at Congresses. During this meeting of Cinema-owners urbanity played many parts : the words internationalism, Europe, peace, Locarno, friendship, brotherhood, humanity, echoed harmoniously about and called forth enthusiastic applause. The gusto and spontaneity of these demonstrations inevitably recalls similar activities of hand and throat in times of national conflagration — but the national are the more accountable. Nationalism rests upon the status quo and can therefore rely with certainty upon appeals to the feelings. Internationalism picks its way amidst forecasts of ideas upon relationships still to be established, and calls, therefore, for the more delicate adjustments of thought. But even if one could conceive as possible a carrying over of these earnest proclamations into kindred activities, one would be committed to sceptical reservations by the mentality of these filminternationalists, a mentality whose primitive arbitrariness and accommodating commercially is self-evident. The official resolution of the French section demands : (a) That any scenario calculated to engender or to support international hostility, or to promote militarism, shall be rejected; (h) such character parts as tend to degrade or to ridicule any nation, or any foreign personality, to be avoided ; (c) the beauties of 19