Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP other countries, the special distinctions of their peoples and the merits of their great men to be given prominence ; (d) the historical accuracy of material selected from life to be safeguarded and, in the interest of avoiding any wounding of national feelings, such material so to be treated as not to evince a deliberate ' tendency ' . . Yes, yes, yes," one stammers, good, beautiful, admirable, but — how is it to be done?" Fine representations, no wounding of national susceptibilities, no ' tendency ' ? In other words, we will pledge ourselves to undeviating objectivity, to the suppression of all feeling, all personal will. We will behave like angels rather than like men ! Yet, unless I am mistaken, art is a human and not an angelic affair : the expression of human characteristics, human passions, human aspirations. The Biblical love thy neighbour " cannot be interpreted to mean that we shall perceive nothing but his virtues. Account must be taken also of those he fancies he possesses. We must recognise the virtues of others, but also their defects. Occasionally these are variants of our own. Not for a moment does he who reaps nothing but praise credit the sincerity of the panegyric. Such things are useless alike to individuals, nations and races. We must be free to say what we believe we know about others, to express what and how we see. Light is revealed only by shadow. We want to see films that are more than polite formalities, films that speak without crippling restrictions. Polite formalities are apt to be not merely false, but tedious. There is something to be said for a temperamental lie. For a tedious lie, nothing. I am obliged to compare the unimagin 20