Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP Hounds of War Were Unleashed A Song of Two Humans " — all that. But you can take Mother, and consider it. Consider it, because I went down to ^Munich to see it, and I saw it twice, after I had seen all the other ones that have been written about in Close Up, so it means more to me. Pudowkin, " with the Russian feeling for landscape " (as I have written till I long to review myself scathingly), has put in there several shots of the countryside which are not directly connected with the plot, using " directly " in its good old English sense of " superficially Good film isn't. Good film does not concern a few people acting out their story in a script as confined as a railway carriage, while the scenery rolls by, painted on rollers, outside. The scenery isn't scenery. It is as integral as they. You can't, even in a bad film, take the landscape and say " be good, be a background ", and in a good film, actors and background merge, are symbols meeting to form expression of what they are both manifestations of. Life. To be severely practical, these shots at the beginning of Mother give one the life these people lead. Naturally. But they give it mentally as well as in the more obvious sense, and how often do we get THAT? The trees and the pool, seen lovingly from many angles, and the mist rising from it, have their effect. This is one of the things we think we must carry, one of the perceptions, locked up, blocking the way, till we die. Pudowkin gives it us. Lets us in. Later, just before the strikers meet in the dell, there are some more of these scenes. To be strict, there are more of them than are needed. Just that one, when Bataleft' comes on the skyline, after one has waited (as his friends have waited — mark that), 33