Close-Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Important ctAnnouncement Two further POOL books on the cinema are now in preparation and will shortly appear. FILM PROBLEMS ofSOFIE T R USSIA by BRYHER, a,uthoT of Civilians, West, Delvelopment, Two Selves, etc., etc. A wealth of information, of keen insight, criticism and comparison. The book is a profound and earnest study which goes far beneath superficial analysis. Its value to the student of Russian films, as well as of Russia itself, will be supreme. The illustrations alone will make it invaluable. You must not miss it. Price 6 shillings. THROUGH A YELLOIF GLASS by OSWELL BLAKESTON. An exhaustive survey of the whole field of cinematography, especially in relation to the studio. The only complete mine of information for the amateur, the student, and the professional. Lighting, photography, loading, scenario writing, editing, make up, locating, these are but a few of the subjects dealt with. Of the greatest theoretical and practical value, the book is written with a humorous appreciation both of the studio and of the reader's viewpoint. The Yellow Glass, through which you judge the actinic value of your set, has been held up by Mr. Blakeston to all possible lights and side-lights ; sometimes with disastrous (so to speak) actinic result, and sometimes with happy discovery. You will have to buy it and see for yourself. Price Is. Qd. Orders for both these books can now be taken at any of the POOL bookshops, or at the London office, or from the publisher . POOL Riant Chateau Territet Switzerland London Office : 24 DEVONSHIRE STREET, W.C.I (For all business matters in England) Sole American and Canadian Distributors : THE FILM ARTS GUILD 500 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Through whom all enquiries in America and Canada with reference to Close Up should be made.