Close-Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP him, strange, a rescue from the clouds, the work of a deus ex machina. The sense of a strong psychic release is to be attained only in the case of a sudden ending of a painful to-and-fro between hope and fear. The onlooker must anticipate the turn of affairs without himself being aware of his anticipation. This suddenly seen head of the leader of the guard is to be counted amongst the things that assist his unconscious expectation. Certainly only a few of the millions who have seen Potemkin will have even noted the movement of the head, but upon all it will have worked as powerfully as upon mv friend. The film is thus revealed as a kind of timemicroscope, that is to say, it shows us clearly and unmistakably things that are to be found in life but that ordinarily escape our notice. 2. Mutter, by Pudowkin. Here, too, everything turns upon the effectual preparation of a moment of tension. The son is in prison, the mother hopes to hand him secretly, during the visitors' hour, a scrap of paper which will show him the way to freedom. The two are talking to each other through a grille and the mother's attention is concentrated upon smuggling the paper into her son's hands unnoticed by the authorities. Two officials are present. From one, seated near her at a table, she has nothing to fear. He is fulfilling the duty of all overseers : he is asleep ! But on the other side of her stands with stifflyplanted gun the guard who brought her son to the meetingplace and will take him away again : a yokel with expressionless features who, for lack of something more interesting to 12