Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP after each title. ^lust one always see the speaker of a title painfully framing his first or last words? This is one of the rare occasions when quick cutting would have been successful. If the scene had been played in one shot by Krauss it would have been far more effective. Apart from the fact that ]\Ir. Alfred Abel, with his ridiculous horns, is not an inspiring figure, and that Krauss is a far better actor, we Avould have seen the words mirrored in Krauss's acting, felt the presence without seeing it, in fact, it might have introduced quite a diabolical touch. Locked in the room Krauss goes mad, and breaks ever}'thing within his grasp. As the Chinese servant, Maria Forescu is remarkable. Greater than the drug seller of Abu'ege. She glides in and out of the scene, counterpoint when lurid passions run high. She smiles instinclivelv at men, to humour them, to get them to be reasonable. Elizza la Porta as the daughter is cold, more restraint than one would have imagined after seeing her in a series of prostitute studies. At the end of the film, when Abel lies dead on the floor, there is a dissolve to the head of a devil. The crudest devil since the early films revived at Die Kamera, But Asta Nielsen . . . 41