Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP Out of the Mist, ^ Defu Production. Direction : Fritz Wendhausen. Madv Christians, Werner Fuetterer, Madimir Sokoloff. (C) Refuge. Henny Porten-Frolich Production for Ufa, starring' Henny Porten with Franz Lederer. Gaumont release in England. (C) The Spy, Ufa. Fritz Lang Production. Mss. : Thea von Harbou. Photography : F. A. Wagner. Willv Fritz, Lupu Pick, Gerda Maurus, Lien Devers, R. Klein-Rogge. (C) Sex in Fetters, Xero Film, with Wm. Dieterle and Mary Johnson. (R) Shanghai, Document of, Volksverband fiir Filmkunst. Directed by Lienhard, cut by A. Mctor Blum and titled by Franz Hollering. (B) Tragedy of the Street, Pantomim Film. Direction : Bruno Rahn. Photography : Guido Seeber. Asta Nielsen in wonderful role. Oscar Homolka, Hilda Jennings, W. Pittschaw. (B) Teji Mark Xote, Adventures of. Fox-Europa Production. Direction : Viertel. Werner Fuetterer, Anna Meiller, Imogen Robertson, Walter F^'rank. (C) Frenxh. Chapeau de Faille d'ltalie {Italian Straiv Hat). Albatross Film. Directed by Rene Clair. Featuring Olga Tschekowa. (B) 82