Close Up (Jul-Dec 1928)

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CLOSE UP The text of a film need not be perfect. Its effect depends much more on its place between image and image than on its literary value. The color film ! It would not give anything and would take much from the artistic possibilities of the cinema. Color is too positive, the objects would be too heavy. The neuter greys of present photography are infinitely more delicate. Chaplin incarnates the dreamer, the unadapted. He is the poor fool who opposes to civilisation, to sentimental complications, to formulas and formal beings, his primitively intelligent and spontaneous instinct. Chaplin is the poet of the humble, of things which one neglects. AsTA Nielsen plays with her soul almost exclusively. Her eyes are remarkably expressive, shine with love, desire, bitterness, with equal delicacy. Asta Nielsen disdains the direct methods of sex appeal ; her body remains virtuously hidden ; her face alone is the tablet whereon is written the thousand intimate thoughts which, turn by turn, traverse her mind. The above random translations will succeed partly in giving* the clue to this witty and wise book which is recommended warmly to all who are able to read in German. There is a kind of Nietschean terseness of philosophy which has the Nietschean gift of making self-evident facts evident for the first time. It collects the most helpful summaries, and has compartments, filed, ticketed and indexed for all its orderly thoughts. . * « ^