Close Up (Jan-Jun 1929)

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The Avenue Pavilion 101 Shaftesbury Avenue^ W.l A GAUMONT-BRITISH THEATRE The Home of International Film Art. Managing Director Reginald C. Bromhead. Manager Leslie Ooilvib. Director of Music Arthur Dulay. The following attractions will be presented exclusive to this theatre : THY SOUL SHALL BEAR WITNESS An epic of Life and Death, by Dr. Selma Lagerlof. Directed by Victor Seastrom. Featuring Victor Seastrom, Hilda Borgstrom, Astrid Holm, and Tore Svennberg. TWO BROTHERS One an idealist, and the other a materialist. Conrad Veidt in dual role. Directed by Karl Grune. Featuring Conrad Veidt, Lil Dagover, and Liane Haid. THE ANCIENT LAW The romance of a young Jewish actor, who breaks the Day of Atonement in the cause of Art and Ambition. Period 1660. Directed by E. A. Dupont. Featuring Henny Porten. Buses to the Door : — Nos. la, ic, 14, 14a, 19c, igd, 22, 24, 29, 29a, 29b, 29c, 38, 39, 48, 129, 138 In view of the fact that Dates of forthcoming attractions are often unavoidably subject to alteration, the Management respectfully request Patrons to be guided finally by the advertisements in the following newspapers : — Times, Daily Telegraph, Morning Post, Daily Express, Daily News, Evening Nezvs, Star, and Standard. Continuous Performances DAILY, commencing at 2 p.m. till 11 p.m. SUNDAYS 6 — 11 Each session lasts three hojrs, thereby making 3 sessions per day, viz : — 2 till S S till 8 8 till 1 1 MATINEES recommended for choice qf comfortable seats.