Close Up (Jan-Jun 1929)

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CLOSE UP appreciates the artistic side of the Cinema, and I find it very satisfying to utilise a rather excessive imagination. Until I can go abroad and see the productions of the Great Masters of the Camera it is a consolation to be seeing everyday scenes in the light that they should be visualised on English Screens, but rarely are. Of course, it is quite easy to foresee the danger that lies in making a habit of this kind if you are not the possessor of a strong mind and have not the real spirit of adoration for films. For instance, any one with an obsession for a certain filmstar could make a really ludicrous exhibition of themselves by pretending to be the perpetual hero or heroine of some sticky romance in which their idol featured. But then, that type would not be likely to be reading Close Up, To them, however, it would be necessary to point the moral contained in Merton of the Movies, Another source of interest lies in the plots and styles of the films. They may be as realistic as a Russian's, or as psychological as any German's. There need be no study of the conventions and the box-office hasn't to be considered. It is so refreshing to be able to see the film growing day by day as you pass a certain spot on your way to the Office, and see a poor down-trodden, moustached litle clerk sorting^ the mail in a huge wholesale warehouse, and know that after a few more mental vicissitudes he's going to slay his employer in a most ingenious manner with the date stamp he's been punching the mail with for the last twenty years. Of course, like all actors, he's allowed to have some private life, and I don't begrudge him his stout wife and growing family in the least, as long as they don't try and intrude into my film ! The other day I made a list of the Continental films which 55