Close Up (Jul-Dec 1929)

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CLOSE UP established centers of European art and culture, each of which in the beginning of film history had the same opportunity as Hollywood, if not even far greater opportunity, have been signally outstripped by this aggressive upstart of the Pacific coast with its Yankee genius for sensing the taste of the public and giving the world what it v^ants. And now and again, while Europe has looked on agape and scornful at the talking film, Hollywood has discerned the signs of the times, has set industriously to work, and with characteristic confidence has staked its whole existence on the new order of cinema creation. That there should follow a fresh outbreak of alarm and protest from puritan and purist is quite to be expected. Hollywood merely making motions was disturbing enough ; but that this forward creature should now have a tongue, presents truly a most serious situation for those w^ho feel themselves entrusted with the guardianship of traditions and proprieties. Clifford Howard. E 65