Close Up (Jul-Dec 1929)

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DU CINEMA ROBERT ARON Managing Editor JEAN GEORGE AURIOL Editor-in-Chief The group of young men who write in DU CINEMA constitutes the genuine flozver of cinema criticism in France RENĀ£ CLAIR Revue intellectuelle y elle s'annonce comine la seule desormais " lisihle " des revues de cinema LEON MOUSSIXAC Every issue contains the already famous heads: MORALS AND THE MOVIES By Jean George Auriol and Bernard Brunius LOST FILMS REVIEW by andre delons WHAT DID YOU LEARN FROM THE IVIOVIES ? 30 unknown photographs and work by MICHEL J. ARNAUD, J. BOUISSOUNOUSE, LOUIS CHAVANCE, RENE CLAIR, ROBERT DESNOS, PAUL GILSON, ANDRE R. MAUGE, HARRY A. POTAMKIN, V. POUDOVKINE, MAN RAY, ANDRE SAUVAGE, JOSEPH VON STERNBERG, PHILIPPE SOUPAULT. Subscriptions (6 issues) r France Frs : 35 i Belgium, Germany, Switzerland ,, 45 \ Great Britain, America ,, 70 Single Copies : 8 French Francs Librairie G ALLIMARD PARI S 3 Rue de Grenelle (6^) fl f J Redaction et depot Librairie J. CORTI 6 Rue de Clichy (9^)