Close Up (Jul-Dec 1929)

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CLOSE UP Judgment's a-coming, Judgment's a-coming, De dark's guine kiver from sho' to sho' : And de angel wid de trumpet say times no mo'. For judgynent substitute awakening, Xo longer a colour but a people I Art directors worked on the principal of "black women and blue wine" ; greased g'lintings of majestic torso; black faces and white pearls and red lips. Kaleidoscope turned gently to guard against the spontaneous, to ensure the colour pattern. Till in Yvette Cavalcanti tore off the black skin like a cloak, and gave it to the Hessling to wear. Hallelujah, hallelujah I Kingdom and Race. Hallelujah ! The tremendous fact of starting all over again, with no ghastly traditions. Hoii) come dis? Film journals are not the place for enthusiasm and uppitiness ; beyond that, enthusiasm is dangerous for critical balance. In the first stage to excuse bad acting, the conviction that the film is worth while being cherished before it is unwound, it is hailed as quaint custom. When the critic sees his first batch of negro films he is sure to slip up, just as he did with the early Russian productions. Never mind all negro creative work, in dance or in stone, â– stands security for LIFE in the negro film. ]\Ir. Robert Herring in a brilliant article, published in one of the most important English newspapers, pleaded with film producers to find their material in everv walk of life. He said, "It is impossible to read in the paper that 'two hundred workmen have been rendered idle as the result of the closing down of the Cum Duffryn Colliery, Port Talbot, 123