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IX PREPARATIOX. EXTRA PASSENGER By OswELL Blakestox. Author of Through a Yellow Glass. This is Mr. Blakeston's first novel, a brilliant and vibrantly modern piece of writing, which portrays with his own terse and clarid hardness of vision, the life of a 3'oung man of ideals struggling against a stifling family environment, and w^ho, enthusiastic to express himself as an artist in new cinema creation, finds himself in an environment even less congenial to his nature — that of the British film studios ; of which the book contains an acid and withering indictment. It is virile, deft and swept by colour. The bright speed of modemit}^ will conduct the reader on a tour of surprising revelations. Extra Passenger will be ready in the early Autumn. Advance orders can now be taken. Price Seven Shillings and Sixpence Postage Sixpence. POOL, 24 Devonshire Street, London, W.C.I