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And remember .... this is Berlin of the New School. You will know what to expect.
Now, as to Berlin of the Old School, if you can bear it any longer, stay with me awhile.
The title is all too suitable.
It is called The Diary of a Lost One,
Pabst directed it, Sepp Algeier was the cameraman, Louise Brooks was the star, and Valeska Gert outshone her. If you care for the .whole story, sets were by Erno MetznerEmil Hasler, and Mark Sorkin assisted together with Paul Falkenberg.
Certainly Margarete Bohme's popular romance did not seem ideal content for a Pabst film. You must either, it has been shown, be cynical about a Lost One or sentimental. If you are impersonal simply, you are going to get into trouble with the censor. That Pabst remained considerably so is perhaps borne out by the fact that the film we see is his minus several hundred metres.
It is partly on this account that it does not cohere. However, though not good as a whole, indeed far from it, it does give us some of the finest work he has done. The best is that which deals with the routine of life in a reformatory for Lost Ones. These astounding scenes, dominated by A^aleska Gert, have all the epigrammatic wrath, so to speak, that almost Delphic quality w^hich Pabst alone possesses.
The perception that has built these scenes of riotous, monotonous, remorseless speed into one hair-raising, monstrous quietude, has given all that can be given. This is Pabst. A knowledge of minds, of motives, a beyondness of seeing that spills no honey-flavour over what he has to