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Gert's ferocity might be mistaken for some vague soulfulness, so completely does it rest her. Pabst caught this in Joyless Street. At one moment there she leaned on a table, selling Garbo to a butcher, rather dazed and wan and immobile. There was something devilish about it. The same devilishness is here.
After their supper the girls file to bed. They undress in row^s beside their bunks. At the top of the room now instead of the table Gert now presides with a gong instead of a baton. Bang, bang, bang. Every stroke a movement — every movement rhythm, every rhythm a new camera analvsis. Gathering tempo. Speed, riot, some demented ritual. Sweat bursts from her forehead. Eyes flashing vulturine and ecstatic.
Lights out mean a furtive candle. At last there is a natural re-grouping. Thymian's friend, Erika, jumps up and sits on her bed. The Diary of the Lost One is brought out and they discuss it. Erika's ankle swings, making a natural handle to be grasped, and the gleaming face of the Gert makes a suitable target to be kicked with it. There is a moment's panic. Out goes the candle. In the dark a scamper for the Diary. Chased by Gert, tossed like a ball from girl to girl.
Rebellion begun, takes flame. The tyrant is seized, pummelled, mobbed. Her face howls from the screen. With the gong, on a topmost bed a girl beats out a joyous tempo for the punishmicnt. Erika now has seized the keys and signing to Thymian, the two escape unseen. Bang, bang, bang. The punishment grows wolfish. The audience roars and stamps participation.