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to him, saw the light and gave them PIE. And how the people did flock to the shows, you know all about it. We've all bought ourselves yachts and limousines out of that first pie-money. Well, of course, pie is not d la mode any more, you might say, need a different class of show nowadays. But there's one staple article that the movies will always use, and never mind who says ' no ' Legs, legs, and some more legs ' is what I've been preaching to my directors and waiters ever since I've been in the business. The men come for the legs, the women for the costumes and for the handsome fellows. That's that, and John Rollstone says it mighty w^ell in that whale of an article he wrote once. (See Close Up for July '29). Give them an undress show, as the police lets you and watch the mob at the ticket office, reverends, censors, good people and all.
Well, sir, you may not be too old to remember that after the pie and the falling downstairs business came the Vamp. And the vamp has come to stay, no matter w^hat they say to the contrary. Our stars keep us well posted about their correspondence. You'd be surprised to hear that a great many women write to say that they wish they were in the vamp's place. It's the women who make up most of the vamp's fans, get that straight. A sex appeal picture will usually make more money than a ^ crook ' picture a ' mystery ' picture, a Russian picture or a Jewish comedy. Occasionally, when we have a colossal genius like that German actor we can put over something big without sex appeal. But the general run of picture always leans towards ^ sexy ' stuff. Any girl w^ho has Mt ' is w^elcome to my business, but they're not to be found on a vacant lot."