Close Up (Jan-Jun 1930)

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CLOSE UP And this is universal. This is the community faced with progress in any part of the world. To watch this scene in The General Line is to see, not a desolate Russian village, but the world faced with the first application of anaesthetics, the world faced with birth control or with anv demand for freedom to live from those it has been accustomed to treat as slaves. The very old, the hopeless, the verv voung, these form the community farm. And its first success comes when the\" are given a separator and are able to make butter. Up to this point there has been unitv. But from this moment it is not easy to decide exactly what was Eisenstein's design. For the series of sequences that follow repeat this central idea, miser}-, revolt, opposition to progress, the beginning of success. Each section is beautiful, both in conception and photography, but actuallv it is repetition rather than the drive forward of an idea. By communal labour the workers are able to save enough money to bu}' a pedigree bull. Finall\-, h(_»wever, they decide to share the money amongst themselves, which is opposed by Lapkina. She is beaten to the ground, but the delegate of the Soviet arrives at the critical moment and the workers are persuaded to purchase instead the bull they need so badlv. \^iews follow of a mode! farm and of the purchase and removal to the village of Fomka, a pedigree bull. Labourers come from the citv for a holida}' and help the villagers to rebuild their village. There is talk of tractors, which is met with derision as usual. A shot of pigs plunging into the water follows. This is cross cut with pigs going through various processes in rb.e slaughter house and 36