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clairvoyant almost, and not sustained. L^nquestionabU' he has a fine cinematic consciousness. He might go farther than an}'bod}', given time and opportunitw He fails and attains together through apprehension that is more spontaneously psychic than intellectual. Because of it he sees farther, because of it he is profligate in his method, hurried and driven. On the other hand the discipline that would unify, would also leash rare freedom.
He builds in Arsenal his atmosphere of woe and sullen doom through use of suspended action. Not through use of stillness. Suspended action. People have entered rooms, and suddenly they have stood still, stricken with some monstrousness of the A\'ar. People in the streets have suddenl}' ceased from moving, standing bent and ghostlv, while the wind makes lovely sculpture of their clothes. In a vast, empty field, furrowed for grain, an old stumblingwoman falls and does not get up. Each image is sustained, dreamy and desperate with repression. This breaks finallv in a senseless rebellion of despair. A man kicks his helpless, starved horse, a woman beats her hungry child. His foot, her arm become one — symbols. The kind woman, the gentle man, punishing the docile and inoffensive, because of doom. And at the end of it, nothing except to go on as before, the man leading his horse, the woman standing in the room.
The same method taken to the Front. Soldiers, dark against a sky of heavy, unvigorous cloud, advance in silhouette. A soldier pulls away his gasmask, and laughinggas convulses him in shocking merriment while the hand of a buried man clutches up toward him. Advancing, a soldier on a hill stops and his rifle falls from his hands. His