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2. Kayn and Artem, bv Petroff-Bitoff .
A film from the book of Gorki. What has Mr. PetroffBitoff been up to? Squalor he wants, and squalor he gets. From the dying cods, fretted with fiy swarms, and the refuseheavy market to the death-throes of the hero under the playful trickle of a sewer-pipe, nothing has been left to the imagination. Quite a nice girl with a surlv face is raped behind her fish stall. Quite a nice little man, Kayn, the Marxian idealist \\ho looks and acts like a neurasthenic muskrat, is made to dance till he drops by unkempt sadists, who prod him whenever he flags, with knives. Quite an attractive bully, Artem, is turned into a somewhat wishv-washv citizen by his little satellite, the adoring musk-rat. There is a tugof-W'ar between Artem and a butcher across tw^o roofs, with a road between, and a nice, friendlv plough, with upturned prongs W'aiting to impale the loser. The girl abandons religion and life. The bullv is beaten, mobbed and flung in the river by his enemies. The musk-rat saves him. Luscious shots of his tormented, tortured, and blood-soaked body.
What has ]\Ir. Bitoff been up to? I enjoyed it, though everything looked overcrowded for davs afterwards. It's a joke film, but if you let it be a joke, it's even a good one. There is a good sequence in a church. Adoration of nuns before an altar becomes nuns left-turning, right-turning, about-turning — a squad of die-hards, their faces drawn in the implacable lines of ill-temper usuallv most marked in the faces of company sergeant majors.
Kayn and Artem, or Lust's Labour Lost. I wish you could all see it ! K. ^I.