Close Up (Jan-Jun 1930)

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CLOSE IF PARISIAN CINEMAS. It is proverbial that Paris is the best city in the world for seeing interesting films, new and old. These are not all to be found in the salles specialistes . Here is a list of cinemas where you will very seldom find a bad program. Cine Latin, Rue Thouin, behind the Pantheon. ]\Iagnificently cheap and uncomfortable. Their claim of * Films classiques et dUivant. garde ' is justified. Generally a good comiqiie. Program changed weeklv. Les Ursulines, Rue des LVsulines. Always the latest short abstracts. Strong Quartier atmosphere. Les Agriculteurs, near Gare St. Lazare. Directed by the Myrga family from Les Ursulines. Program different every evening, mostlv tried favourites with a document of ' camp life in the w^lds. For half-a-crown you can sit in an armchair. Vieux Colombier, off the lower end of Boulevarde Raspail. M. Tedesco keeps an admirable repertory of films. You are fairly certain to see a Charles Chaplin ' short.' Salle Adyar, Square Rapp, underneath ' la reigne de la rive gauche, the Eift>l Tower. Functions irregularly on one evening a fortnight, and has nothing not worth while. Studio Diamant, Place Augustin. Has a bar in the modern style and is (comparatively) expensive. L^ncomfortable, but worth while, if slick American films are out of fashion. Studio 28, Rue Tholoze in the centre of Montmartre. The last word for les jeunes cineastes. Same remark as above applies here. 78