Close Up (Jan-Jun 1930)

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CLOSE UP The second section, as yet unmade, deals with earth and sea figures. Layer upon layer the earth builds up, and the sea corrodes, washes away. The earth figures become palpitating light, recessed circles of vibrations; the sea figure forms a contact, and, again, there is annihilation in a series of electric sparks. A ballet movement is planned for the third section ; a solution to the problems raised in the scenario. Len Lye is a great artist with great ideas. I wish him, and Mr. Norman Cameron (who, I am told, helped so much in the past), the courage to finish their splendid project. OSWELL BlAKESTON. THE AVENUE PRESENTS. The sound cartoon has given a convention to the cinema : the sounds and movements come from the machine, Air. Stuart Davis will show a colour cartoon, Hia-ix'atha (Peroff Pictures, Inc.). If a hill is limned out Hiawatha walks up and down each undulation, never across ; the convention of the filmic machines is unconventional. Colour makes the cartoon historical : it makes us long for the day when we will see ^vlickey struck pink as well as a literal " all of a heap ". O. B.