Close Up (Mar-Dec 1931)

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26 CLOSE UP The free picture showxof to-day, of yesterday? In the trade papers, the story that Western Electric has finished another talkie truck for Lyons, for Shell-Mex, the story that the Middlesex Educational Committee has arranged for talking pictures to form part of the curriculum in Middlesex schools. A realisation — Daylight Projection and Daylight Screen. Cinema managers, henceforth, will they provide a moving poster display instead of the frame of stills? A kind of trailer run in a continuous projector on a daylight screen. This week, next week and From " The Merrv Widow," by Erich von Stroheim. One of the censored scenes, of which this is the only still known to have been published. La seule photo qui ait ete publiee, a notre connaissance , des scenes inter dites de " La Veuve Joyeuse," de Erich von Stroheim. Aus " Die lustige Witwe " von Erich von Stroheim. Diese Aufnahme einer der zensurierten Szenen ist unserem Wissen nach die einzige, die je veroffcntlicht wurde. Photo : Courtesy of Herman G. Weinberg. (Instead of stills, a screen given to audience reaction? There was that trailer for the Keaton film with the laughs of ten men, sitting in a private projection room, scrambled on the sound track. Noctovision could give close up inspection of audience members seated in total darkness. A little bitter for future victims but FUN and NOVELTY. Out-LIFE-cadging the Russian enthusiasts !) So and so : lopping off pieces of red tape. Stills in newspapers; stills outside theatres. Trying to do the job. Trying to catalogue. Trving to order a review under the title, Stills and their relation to Modem Cinema. Finally, lopping off one more piece of red tape. Stills and the Compound Cinema. What fraction of a compound cinema scheme could any still suggest? For example, the student or disciple (whichever it is one is allowed to be by Mr. Seldes) of the Compound Cinema would take the Daylight Screen as an excuse to fill the auditorium with Holophane lights. At the Richmond Cinema the Holophane automatic control provides six hundred and seventy two sequences of colour lighting effects. All the lighting effects may be pre-set on a control panel. Instantaneous " black-outs " can be obtained by colour master switches. Of that the compound cinema bloke ought to be able to make a fine mental haggis! ! At some stage one must give up : put away the red tape with the type ribbon. OSWELL Bl.AKESTON.