Close Up (Mar-Dec 1931)

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310 CLOSE UP " Three Days," a Spanish avantgarde film by Xavier Giiell. " Trois jours," film d" avantgarde espagnol, par Xavier Giiell. " Drei Tage," ein spanischer Avantgardefilm von Xavier Guell. Arguments. Is the cafe keeper guilty? Scandal. The cafe keeper throws them out. Get out you fools ! Title. AN EXPERT IS STILL DELVING INTO THE MYSTERY. Still nature in the foreground (close up) and fish-giobe with a large fish swimming round. The End. (We hope we shall have the opportunity to see this film.) "Close Up" and a distinguished reader. The President of Czechoslovakia, President Masaryk, believes in the art of the film. " Close Up " compte un remarquable lecteur! Le President de la Tchecoslovaquie, M. Masaryk ne doute aucunement de Vart cinegraphique. " Close Up " und ein distinguierter Leser. Der Prasident dertschechoslowakischen Republik, Prasident Masaryk glaubl, dass es eine Filmkunst gibt.