Close Up (Mar-Dec 1931)

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326 CLOSE UP Nazare beach; Alfama, another documentary picture of great beauty, showing one of the most picturesque and ancient quarters of Lisbon* ; and A Severa, the big Portuguese sound film directed by Leitao de Barros. Antonio Leitao is finishing his second picture, O Milagre da Rainha, with Antonio Fagim, Lina Fontoura, Heloisa Clara and Gina Froes in the cast. Several important scenes were filmed in Coimbra. Campinos is the title of a new Portuguese talkie which should be completed by the time this issue appears. Antonio Luiz Lopes directing it with the assistance of his first cameraman Salazar Diniz. The cast includes Maria Helena, Maria Lalande, Gil Ferreira and T. de Sousa. The metteur en scene is acting also in the picture. Among the silent documentary records produced by the Ulyssea-Film, I must mention Uma Feira na Maia, a nice film composed in a good modern cinematographic manner by two amateur cineastes. This picture shows a big fair in Maia (near Oporto) with all its picturesqueness and strange quality. A. C. MOTION PICTURE NEWS FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA Karel Lamac, a Czech director who is very well known in foreign countries, has just founded in Prague together with Vlasta Burian a new producing society under the social firm, Burian-Lamac-Film. This company will produce three pictures in a year with Vlasta Burian in the title part and Karel Lamac as the director. As Burian is now under contract to the Elektafilm, the first picture of this new society will not be produced probably till in the next year. Lamac will soon go to Paris where he will direct the new talking picture of Anny Ondra, The Bat, adapted from the musical comedy of Johann Strauss. This picture will be produced in Czech, German, French and English. Then Lamac will return to Berlin to make there the screen version of The Fellowship of a Frog by Edgar Wallace. The Third Troop is the title of a new Czech war picture to be produced soon. The story is based upon a successful novel of the same name by Josef Kopta who has also written together with V. Wasserman the continuity. This picture will have no principal parts, its chief dramatic element being the solidarity and admirable comradeship of a collective of unknown heroes. It will be a talking picture but the dialogues will be reduced to 10 per cent, of the whole picture. Mr. J. Kabelik, representative * See Close Up, Vol. 8, No. 1.