Close-Up (Mar-Dec 1933)

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CLOSE UP 113 Half consciously, half unconsciously, in a wild inward panic, he overturns the boat. The girl is drowned. Leaving her to her fate, Clyde makes his escape in the way he had planned beforehand, and is caught in the meshes of the net which he himself had woven. The affair with the boat takes places as similar incidents take place; it is not sharply defined and complete ; it is like a tangled skein. And Dreiser presents the incident quite impartially, leaving the further course of events to be shaped by the logical evolution not of the subject but ... of the course of the law. We had to emphasize Clyde's ACTUAL and TECHNICAL innocence in connexion with the actual perpetration of the crime. Only by this means could we make sufficiently plain the " monstrous challenge " to a society whose mechanism brings a rather characterless youth into such a situation and then, invoking morality and justice, seats him in the electric chair. The sanctity of the FORMAL principle in the codes of honour, morality, justice and religion is regarded in America as something primary and fundamental. On this principle is based the endless game of advocacy in the courts and the matching of lawyers and parliamentarians one against the other. The " The First Right o f Children " {From the Diary of a Woman-doctor), a DeutschesLichtspiel-Syndikat Film. " Le premier droit de Venfant " (tire du Journal d,une docloresse) un film Deittsches-Lichtspiel-Syndikat.