Close-Up (Mar-Dec 1933)

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CLOSE UP 119 " The First Right of Children " (From the Diary of a W oman-doctoi) , a DeutschesLicht spiel -Syndikat Film . " Le premier droit de V enfant " (tire du Journal d'une doctoresse) un film Deutsches-Liclit spiel Syndikat. Here the curious formalism of American dogmatism would seem to be supplemented by the contradictory element of Messianism, which actually proves to be the same lifeless dogmatism of a formal principle in the domain of religion. And this is only natural, in as much as both are fostered to an equal degree by the same social class system. By our treatment we succeeded, in our opinion, in tearing off at any rate some of the masks — though by no means all — from this monumental figure. We reconstructed the mother's role as best we could. The pastor, McMillan, we eliminated from the scenario entirely. And Dreiser was the first to appreciate the merits of our reconstruction of his work. Not without cause are we witnessing at the present time Dreiser's gradual desertion of the ranks of the petit bourgeoisie and his approach nearer and nearer to ourselves. In our version, the tragedy within the framework of the novel is consummated much later. The cell. And the electric chair. And the brightly polished spittoon — from personal observation in the prison of Sing-Sing — at his feet. All