Close-Up (Mar-Dec 1933)

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" Mr. Cousins is a man of vast practical experience and I am happy to be able to endorse the majority of his views." — JACK HULBERT FILMLAND IN FERMENT " Startling changes are impending," says the author-E. G. COUSINS The author of this book shows us the potentialities and pitfalls, the strength and weaknesses, the humours and tragedies of this vast mysterious business. He goes further, and tells us, as Mr. Pepys would say, "what is to become of it all" — so entertainingly and Popular informally that it is as if a native of Filmland were rj... ,, . edition conducting us on a tour of his territory and helping us to draw our own conclusions therefrom. Start 6/ net ling organic changes, taking place beneath the calm surface of film-production, are revealed and discussed. The book gives a clear, unbiassed and authoritative account of film-production as it has been, is now, and will be. No one inside or outside the industry can fail to profit by its matter or be entertained by its manner. WITH A PREFACE BY JACK HULBERT DENIS ARCHER 6 OLD GLOUCESTER STREET LONDON, W.C.1 298